

Saturday, January 07, 2012

USAID launches electricity-saving campaign

Staff Report

LAHORE: In the midst of Pakistan’s energy crisis, USAID has developed an innovative approach to create awareness about energy efficiency and conservation through a week-long media campaign entitled “Bijli Pani Week.” This included testimonials of actual beneficiaries of USAID’s Tube Well Efficiency Improvement Program (TWEIP), TV commercials advertising the 50% subsidy available on energy-efficient pumps and for the first time in Pakistan, a docu-drama that seeks to educate its audience about the benefit of adopting energy-efficient practices.

The sixty-minute drama was seen on PTV Home, along with it, it was aired on three regional channels, KTN, WASAIB and Apna TV. Catering to Punjab, southern Punjab and Sindh province specifically.

USAID through TWEIP is not just encouraging people to save electricity but showing them how they can actually do it. TWEIP seeks to make Bilji-Pani Week a quarterly activity aimed at farmers, advocating the adoption of energy-efficient practices. By replacing their old, energy-inefficient pumps with new, energy-efficient ones, farmers can experience substantial savings on their electricity bills while easing the load on Pakistan’s already over-stretched grid.

The drama seeks to persuade local farmers and landowners through the lead character Karmoo. He is a relatively poor farmer who is nevertheless progressive in his thinking. The drama is based on the real-world challenges that many farmers like Karmoo actually face, like hiked electricity prices and inefficient tube well motor pump sets. Karmoo takes a leap of faith and replaces his pump with a new, more energy-efficient one, availing USAID’s 50% subsidy offer. While other farmers are sceptical of his investment and initially think it’s a scam, they soon notice Karmoo’s thriving, lush fields and reduced electricity bills, wanting the same for themselves.



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