
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Imran Khan Foundation provides relief for ignored Waziristan IDPs

LAHORE: The Imran Khan Foundation (IKF) has announced that it will be providing emergency relief for the internally displaced persons (IDPs) of Waziristan, so far ignored by the government.

The relief project, worth approximately Rs 30 million – almost Rs 12,000 per beneficiary family – will focus on the unnoticed victims of the war on terror, refugees of the Mehsud Tribe, who have fled from their home agency of North Waziristan.

The project aims to provide emergency food relief of 20kg of flour, 5kg lentils, 1kg sugar, 800gm salt and 1kg of ghee to selected families. In addition, each selected family will be provided two shawls and two medium thermal blankets as well as a temporary shelter of one waterproof tent, able to house a family of six, to help them pass the harsh winter conditions.

To date, the Mehsud Tribe has received no assistance or even recognition of their plight by the Pakistani government. Having been relocated at least three times, the Mehsud Tribe’s IDPs are now in district Tank, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Their desperate call for emergency relief was heard by the IKF.

Commenting on the relief effort, Isfundiar Kasuri, the IKF’s national programme manager, said, “Despite this being a no-go area, with deteriorating law and order, we at the Imran Khan Foundation felt it essential to step forward to help our fellow countrymen in this hour of need. 2,600 of the displaced families are being provided assistance for the very first time, in some of the most underserved and remote areas of Pakistan.” The distribution has been done based on solid principles of transparency, equity, and without any violence. pr


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