Int’l community must play its role for strategic balance in South Asia: Sartaj
Adviser says Indo-US nuclear deal would have a detrimental impact on regional stability
ISLAMABAD - Pakistan says it reserves the right to safeguard its national security interests and all measures would be taken to meet this challenge.
This was stated by Adviser on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz while addressing a seminar in Islamabad. He urged the international community to play its due role in creating strategic balance and stability in South Asia. He said that operationalisation of Indo-US nuclear deal would have a detrimental impact on deterrence stability in the region. He said that the US should not create imbalance in the strategic stability and balance of South Asia by selling arms to India.
He said that the move could trigger an arms race in the region. Commenting on US support to include India in the Nuclear Supplier Group (NSG), he said this would further compound the already fragile strategic stability environment in South Asia. He said that it will also undermine the credibility of NSG and weaken the non-proliferation regime. He said that Pakistan remains opposed to policies of selectivity and discrimination in this regard. He said that cooperative and collective actions by all member states are required to effectively tackle the global threat of terrorism.
He said that Pakistan is a leading partner of the international community in counter-terrorism and also expect the same commitment from others. Expressing his views on President Obama’s support for India for permanent membership of UN Security Council, he said that India by no means qualifies for a special status in the Security Council due to its continued violation of world body resolutions on Kashmir. He said that proposals to add new centers of privilege in the UN Security Council run counter to the collective objectives of Security Council reforms.
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