Rule-of-Law Index scores Pakistan poorly
WASHINGTON DC: Pakistan was judged to have the worst access to civil justice and to be the least orderly and secure of the 66 countries ranked in this year’s Rule-of-Law index.
The index, put together every year since 2008 by the Washington, DC-based World Justice Project, looks at nine main indicators. It gathers data by polling roughly 1,000 people in a country’s three largest cities, as well as questioning experts separately. This year the index, which was released last month, expanded from the 35 nations looked at last year.
Pakistan came in 66th on the two indicators mentioned above. On three other indicators—the absence of corruption, the openness of its government and protection of fundamental rights—it came in at No. 65. Cambodia came in last on corruption, Liberia was judged to have the least open government and Iran was in the last spot on the enjoyment of fundamental rights.
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