

Monday, July 18, 2011

KESC asks union to return hijacked vehicles

Staff Report

KARACHI: Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC) on Sunday said that the union activists should immediately return the utility’s hijacked repair vehicles so that local faults could be addressed.

According to KESC spokesman, at least 22 such vehicles are parked at the labour union camp near Governor House. The possession of repair and maintenance vehicles is depriving consumers of the early repair of piled up local faults. The power utility demanded immediate end to the misuse of these hijacked repair vehicles in order to deploy them for attending public complaints. KESC also called upon the society in general and media organisations in particular to take notice of the anti-consumer misuse of repair vehicles, which should otherwise have been on the road attending customer complaints.

KESC said that media being the most sensitive part of the society needs to ask union activists under what law or trade union ethics could they illegally hijack the public service repair vehicles and misuse them for their own illegal purposes. The KESC spokesman further said the company strongly denies a news item aired on one channel claiming return to work of the non-core employees who did not accept final Voluntary Separation Scheme.

PPI adds: Of the dozens of hijacked repair vehicles, about 22 MTLs are parked in the vicinity of union rally, with number plates covered with pieces of cloth. Two of these are JX-6552 and JX-6553. Union activists have also been holding dozens of other repair vehicles for extorting money to fix self-made local faults. While referring to the complaint of Karachi Water and Sewerage Board (KWSB), KESC said that power supply to Dhabeji pumping station was affected when Dhabeji grid station went offline due to 132kV conductor theft. However, the largest part of the KWSB complaint dealt with the illegal connections linked to water pumping feeders under the knowledge of the KWSB management which caused permanent over loading to the power supply network and resulted in frequent interruptions, KESC said and demanded of the KWSB authorities to permanently remove all illegal connections from the network designed to supply power to water pumping stations. KWSB should approach law enforcement agencies and Government authorities to remove illegal connections that are allegedly being supported by a local political figure.


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