
Imran slams Israeli aggression in Gaza
PTI chairman points out moral bankruptcy of Arab leadership on Palestine

ISLAMABAD – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan on Tuesday again condemned the Israeli aggression against Palestinians in Gaza which has led to over 500 innocent people including children being massacred and thousands more injured.

“It was absolutely shameful how Israel is allowed to transgress all international laws and violate basic human rights enshrined in the UN Charter and the powerful of the world allow it to do so,” Imran said in a statement. He further said never was the principle of self defence as enshrined in Chapter VII Article 51 of the UN Charter so abused as it has been by Israel which has indulged in state terrorism against the people of Gaza.

“Nor is this the first time Israel has abused this principle. The ICJ Advisory Opinion on the Israeli Wall had also found Israel guilty of abusing the principle of self defence,” he said. He also strongly criticised the leaders of Muslim states who's silence he said was as inexplicable as it was inexcusable. Egypt's refusal to allow medical assistance to go in to Gaza and to prevent the fleeing Palestinians from entering into the safety of its borders shows the moral bankruptcy of the Arab leadership today.

He said that the Pakistan government's apologetic approach was equally damning. “Muslims are being prosecuted across the globe from Palestine to Myanmar and Muslim leaders remain silent spectators or actual abettors,” he said. He said that the US and European leaders have also exposed their hypocrisy and duality of standards by trying to defend Israel's massacre of the Palestinians in Gaza.

He said that he was full of admiration for the public in these countries who had and were continuing to protest in thousands against Israel's brutality. The PTI chairman said it was time for the people of the world to unite and force their governments to stand up against violations of human rights and oppression.

“It is imperative that the UN, if it is to reclaim even an iota of credibility, act immediately to stop the massacre going on in Gaza,” he said. The UN secretary general has the power to intervene and take action, he suggested. “It is shameful that he is not prepared to do so,” he said.



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