Sunday, June 05, 2011
PAC to hold 19th Annual US-Pakistan Friendship Day
WASHINGTON: To analyse the current US-Pakistan relations, the Pakistani American Congress (PAC), an umbrella organisation of several Pakistani-American organisations in the US, is holding its 19th Annual US-Pakistan Friendship Day at the Capitol Hill, Rayburn House Office Building, Room 318, from 12pm to 5pm on Tuesday June 21, 2011.
The guest of honour for the event will be Honourable Congresswomen Allyson Schwartz from Pennsylvania. Several congressmen and senators will also attend the conference.
Since the September 11 attack in 2001, in the United States, Pakistan has supported US in its war against terror as a key ally. Pakistan helped to capture a significant number of terrorists and handed them over to the United States. Pakistan has lost thousands of lives since joining the US war on terror in the form of both civilians and army personnel. Pakistan is facing a serious threat from suicide bombings due to its participation in the war. pr
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