Monday, June 10, 2013
Gilani ‘claims immunity’ against NAB arrest orders
ISLAMABAD: Former prime minister Yousaf Raza Gilani has warned against NAB’s efforts to arrest him, harping on the old familiar “immunity” theme. Talking to journalists on Sunday, Gilani reportedly cautioned against his arrest, arguing that since he is a former prime minister he is immune from such action. “Since I defended President Zardari with all my efforts, I would employ the same efforts for my immunity as well,” he announced. NAB has summoned Gilani along with former prime minister and his successor Raja Pervez Ashraf today (Monday) in connection with the appointment of former OGRA chief Tauqeer Sadiq. NAB would be deciding about putting the names of these two former premiers on the ECL (Exit Control List) after being served with notices. online
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