
Peace on LoC pre-condition for normal relations with Pakistan: India
Sujatha says 'sari' and ‘letter’ diplomacy helps India to establish cordial relationship with neighbours

NEW DELHI – India’s External Affairs Secretary Sujatha Singh on Friday said that maintenance of peace and tranquility on the Line of Control in the divided state of Jammu Kashmir is a pre-condition for having a normal relationship between Pakistan and India.

Talking to reporters here, she said that it has been India's endeavour to establish peaceful and friendly relations with all neighbours including Pakistan. “On firing, I will like to reiterate that peace and tranquility on the ‘border’ is of the highest importance in establishing the pre-condition for a normal relationship,” she said.

“Maintenance of peace and tranquility on LoC is one of the most important CBMs (confidence building measures) between Pakistan and India. That remains and will remain the case,” she said, as she was referred to the heavy shelling along the Line of Control in Poonch sector.

“Our policy towards neighbours has always been to work towards peaceful and cordial relationship. So 'sari' and ‘letter’ diplomacy helps that,” she said when she was asked a questions in reference to exchange of letters between Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The two prime minister also exchanged shawl and sari for their mothers.

The External Affairs secretary was also asked whether Pakistan and India had established contact as was decided during Nawaz-Modi meeting here last month. “We will, by and by,” she replied. About the exchange, Sujatha said that India's policy towards its neighbours has been to work towards a peaceful and cordial relations and ‘that is where the sari and shawl and the letter diplomacy fits in.’





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