June 10, 2016
Railway land records to be computerised with modern technologies: Saad
ISLAMABAD: Minister for Railways KhawajaSaadRafique has said Pakistan railway land records would be fully computerized in days to come with help from information technology department and otherrelated institutions.
While talking to private news channel, the minister said that his firstand foremost objective was to get rid of losses worth billions of rupees andmake Pakistan Railways a profitable institution. He urged that no stone would be left unburned to achieve the objectives.
He further said that the ministry had increased its revenue generation up to 36 billion during last three fiscal years. Ministry had also introduced E-ticketing for the convenience of thepublic which would enable the citizens to get their tickets booked from their homes, as this government had reached an agreement with the United Bank Limited (UBL) in this regard, he added.
Life insurance of all passengers and the staff of the ministry was also to be ensured as well as the government was going to improve 31 different railway stations, he informed. “We have brought financial discipline. No one could claim nepotism orother related issues on part of this government. We have also deferred thelong-lease system and also dispelled the impression related with megascandals,” he said.
To a query, the minister said that it was not going to be a challengingsituation for the government as the Pakistan AwamiTehreek (PAT) chief TahirulQadriwas habitual to create fussduring his tours to Pakistan adding that Qadri might be a challenge for himself but not at all for the government.
Courtesy www.dailytimes.com.pk
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