
PAT, PC DFW to jointly organize Pak Day

By Raja Zahid Khanzada

DALLAS: Pakistan Association of Texas (PAT) has decided to celebrate Pakistan Day in befitting manners as the day holds a significant place in the history of Pakistan.
To mark this day in an excellent manner, Pakistan Day Festival to be held at FunAsia, Irving on March 25, 2011, said the press release issued by PAT.

Famous Pakistani TV and Film artists: Saood, Comidian, Shakeel Siddique, Singer Humaira Arshad, Ahmed Jahenzaib, Chand Puri and others artists have confirmed to perform at Festival, said the association’s officials John Hamid and Rashid Dara.

More over, Mr. Akrama Khan, President PC DFW, said we will support and participate Pakistan Day celebration. Festival will start at 7:30pm and to continue till late night.

On the occasion, national songs and regional dances, tableaus, magic shows, informative programs about Pakistan and comedy shows will be presented.



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