Thursday, March 17, 2011
Civil society expresses solidarity with quake-hit Japan
KARACHI/ISLAMABAD: Civil society organisations of Pakistan have expressed deep sorrow and grief over the loss of thousands of human lives and billions of dollars worth of properties in Japan.due to the devastating Sendai earthquake.
In a statement, a group of civil society organisations that include PILER, PFF, SAP-PK, SPO, SAFCOW, CPCS and SUNGI, expressed solidarity with the people of Japan in their difficult time and hoped that the Japanese nation with the support of international community would recuperate from one of the largest human miseries in the history.
As reported in the media, the earthquake was the fifth largest in intensity as recorded in the human history, caused around 10,000 deaths and left thousands of people missing along with loss of billions of dollars in properties. News reports indicate that the earthquake has shifted the earth’s axis by 6.5 inches, shortened the day by 1.6 microseconds, and sank Japan downward by about two feet.
The civil society organisations also emphasised that there are lessons to learn from Japan’s tragedy. Firstly, Japanese society’s disaster preparedness and earthquake resistant infrastructure has played a role in minimising the damage caused by the high-intensity earthquake. Secondly, the nuclear catastrophe indicates dangers associated with nuclear technology that spells grave consequences for countries adopting the systems.
The three explosions in the power generating nuclear reactors are the main cause of worries for the world and there is fear of spread of radiation. The elements of nature have again demonstrated to us just how powerful and destructive they can be despite our scientific knowledge and advancement. pr
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