NUST wins international quality award
ISLAMABAD: The Asia Pacific Quality Network, comprising quality assurance agencies of the entire Asia Pacific region, has awarded APQN’s Best Model Internal Quality Assurance Award for 2014 to the National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST). The award, given at a ceremony in Hanoi, Vietnam, is in recognition of the strict enforcement of quality assurance regime by the university, spanning on the areas of selection of quality people, development and implementation of best practices and application of technology in all its activities as specified by the Higher Education Commission (HEC). A press release issued by the university says the credit for the honour goes to the faculty, staff and the students of the university in addition to relentless support provided by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the HEC in developing and maintaining a culture of quality assurance at the NUST. It said the emphasis by the HEC on quality through a quality assurance mechanism is now bearing fruit and Pakistani universities are gaining prominence at the international level.
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