
Dutch ambassador acknowledges Pakistan’s commitment to NSS

* Says his country will welcome PM Nawaz’s participation in the summit

ISLAMABAD: Netherlands Ambassador to Pakistan, Marcel de Vink on Wednesday acknowledged Pakistan’s commitment and engagement to the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) process and said his country will welcome Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s participation in the summit.
Addressing a press conference in connection with Third Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) to be held in the Hague, Netherlands from March 24 to 25, he said, “Netherlands is pleased that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will participate in the summit.” He said leaders from various countries and four international organizations including EU, IAEA, Interpol and the UN will also participate in the summit. The envoy said top government representatives from Pakistan and Netherlands who are involved in developing the summit communique have been in close touch.
“Pakistan, with its nuclear security experience and nuclear assets, is an important participant in the summit which requires ideas and active contributions to improve measures to secure dangerous nuclear material both at national and international level,” the envoy said. He said aim of the summit was to take steps to prevent nuclear terrorism around the world by ensuring the security of nuclear materials. The threat was urgent and real with terrorists stating their desire to use nuclear weapons, he said.
The summits, by uniquely assembling world leaders are accelerating efforts to secure these materials, he said. Marcel de Vink said effective nuclear security requires international cooperation. “The greatest risk is when countries do not recognize the threat of nuclear terrorism and do not take preventive action,” he said. “Countries realize that no country working alone can protect itself from threat,” he added. The summits have been successful in boosting national efforts to secure nuclear materials and take cooperative measures.
He said at the summit the international community will review the progress made since 2012 and discuss the way ahead. He said the goals of summit are to further reduce the amount of dangerous nuclear material that can be used to produce nuclear weapons, improvement in security of nuclear material, nuclear installations and radiological sources and improvement and further strengthening of international cooperation in the field of nuclear security.
The Ambassador said the results of the third summit will be made public in the Hague Nuclear Security Summit communique in which the leaders will jointly review the progress achieved so for.
Countries will provide insight into steps they have taken to strengthen nuclear security through national progress reports. To a question he appreciated Pakistan’s cooperation with IAEA. To another question, he said it was the fundamental national responsibility of every state to take steps for the safety of their nuclear assets. To another question, he said the government of Netherlands will take all precautionary security measures for leaders and other delegates. Responding to a question, he said the NSS will not discuss nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation, nor will it debate the pros and cons of nuclear energy.


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