Monday, May 03, 2010
Press Freedom Day being observed around the world
* UNESCO DG stresses importance of ‘our right to know’
* EU to hold panel discussion on challenges to press freedom
Staff Report
ISLAMABAD: With the objective of evaluating freedom of expression, highlighting the importance of “our right to know” and paying tribute to journalists who have lost their lives in the line of duty, World Press Freedom Day will be observed worldwide today.
The UN General Assembly proclaimed May 3 World Press Freedom Day in 1993, following a recommendation adopted at the twenty-sixth session of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation’s (UNESCO) conference in 1991.
In her message on the occasion, UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova said the World Press Freedom Day offers us an occasion to remember the importance of our right to know.
She emphasised that the right to know is central to upholding other basic rights, for furthering transparency, justice and development. “Hand-in-hand with the complementary notion of freedom of expression, it underpins democracy,” she added. On the killing of journalists in the line of duty, she said, “I invite all those commemorating World Press Freedom Day around the globe to observe a minute of silence... to honour the journalists who paid with their lives for our right to know.”
Discussion: The European Union is to arrange a panel discussion on press freedom in Pakistan to discuss the challenges that the independent media faces in view of threats from non-state actors, as well as restrictions on reporting from certain areas. The event will be held in a local hotel and representatives from Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) General Manager Nasir Ayaz are slated to participate.
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