Tuesday, May 04, 2010
US clears Pak CSF dues with $467 million payment
Daily Times Monitor
LAHORE: The United States completed a total transfer of $656 million to the government with a final instalment of $467 million on Monday for some of the costs incurred while conducting counterinsurgency operations against extremists in 2009, a private TV channel reported on Monday.
According to the channel, the reimbursement, known as the Coalition Support Fund (CSF) is also intended to achieve the mutually-shared goals of peace and stability in Pakistan as well as in the region.
The CSF was established by the United States in 2001 to support 27 nations, including Pakistan, for some of the costs they incurred in the fight against terrorists. Since 2001, the United States has reimbursed approximately $7.2 billion to the countries
The last CSF payment was delivered to Pakistan in January and included a $349 million reimbursement for all validated CSF claims received from Pakistan for the year 2008, the channel said.
In addition to the CSF, the US civilian and security assistance to Pakistan has totaled more than $4 billion over the last three years.
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