

US seeks Pak for access to Faisal’s parents

LAHORE: The US government asked Pakistan’s government to provide them help to solve the incident of Times Square bomb attack planning.

According to some media reports, the US official have asked Pakistan to make arrangement to solve this case as the person involved in it was Pakistani.

Faisal Shahzad is a man found involved in these attacks. He is Pakistani citizen and also got American nationality. Faisal Shahzad is son of Pakistani vice air marshal. According to US intelligence he got training from Taliban and they also financed their trainees.

According to reports, Obama administration has requested Pakistan to provide fast assistance to solve this case. The administration also sought Pakistan to give access to Faisal’s parents for investigations.

According to some Pakistani media reports, Faisal shazad’s parents and relatives were investigated but Pakistan’s officials denied it. However Pakistan’s government provides assurance to US official that they will provide full help to US.

Pakistan also said that if anyone found guilty on their soil then they will take action again him. The request is launched to find Faisal Shahzad’s link with terrorist organization.

After TTP accepted the responsibility of attacks in US it is very tense situation for US officials. On Wednesday US officials shut down New York’s busy Triborough Bridge due to a suspected truck with smoke coming out of it. According to latest news there is no bomb in the truck and the bridge will reopen soon.

U.S. officials said that they had reached no firm conclusion about whether Shahzad had ties to any domestic militant group in Pakistan but that information gathered thus far continued to point to the Pakistani Taliban, which has asserted responsibility for the bombing attempt.

A U.S. counterterrorism official said it was possible that two or more groups had worked together in grooming Shahzad for a terrorist mission during an extended trip he made to Pakistan last year. "There is a serious Venn diagram issue going on here," the official said. U.S. intelligence suspects there is increasing overlap and coordination among domestic Pakistani groups and the Pakistan-based Afghan Taliban and al-Qaeda.

In New York, Shahzad continued his extensive cooperation with members of the FBI-led Joint Terrorism Task Force, law enforcement officials said. He waived his right to an initial court hearing.

The official said the administration's goal was to present a detailed request for cooperation to Pakistan by the end of this week.

A senior Pakistani official said that the United States "hasn't done any comprehensive briefing of what they want from us. That doesn't mean they haven't told us what they would like."




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