Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Working class losing right to social security due to globalistation
KARACHI: Working class all over the world is losing its right to social security and other social benefits from the state due to globalisation, growing privatisation and deregulation, which has contributed to global social unrest and poverty. Socialist revolution led by the working class presents the only solution to the current political, economic and social crises.
These views were expressed by Dr Lal Khan, noted socialist, editor of the Asian Marxist Review and International Secretary of the Pakistan Trade Union Defence Campaign during a lecture on “Labour Rights in the Era of Global Capitalism” organised by the Pakistan Institute of Labour Education and Research (PILER) at the PILER Centre on Monday.
“We can see social unrest in Europe, America and the Arab world where people are protesting against social injustices and demanding their rights,” he said noting that a number of European countries advocating capitalism are undergoing political turmoil too. There are also mass protests and strikes in a number of states in the US.
“The recent rise against the injustices of the capitalist system started in Latin America and the wave of discontent and protests spread to European countries including, France, Greece and Germany. Tunisia’s revolution started because of the unrest in France. It then spread to Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Jordan and other Arab countries. All movements succeeded after receiving the backing and the strength of the working class, especially the trade unions,” he added. According to Dr Khan, capitalism has destroyed the social fabric of all societies across the world. In many countries, particularly the Scandinavian states, working class is losing their social benefits because the states remain in total control of the capitalists. pr
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