
Monday, May 20, 2013

Pakistani filmmaker urges ban on Hollywood and Bollywood movies

By Arsalan Haider

LAHORE: US based Pakistani filmmaker Mumtaz Hussain has called on Pakistanis to stop watching Bollywood and Hollywood movies. He has offered his guidance and support to save the sinking ship of Pakistani film industry.

In an interview with Daily Times, Mumtaz Hussain who is in Pakistan these days, urged the government to play its role for the revival of large screen by encouraging independent filmmakers, movies on social issues and imposing a ban on screening and sale of commercial movies by following Iran.

He added that his experience of filmmaking with Hollywood actors, actresses and other technical staff could help Pakistani film industry. He advised filmmakers, audience and film production students not to follow Bollywood movies and film industry, which is only working for commercial purposes. He said that Hollywood movies are far better than Bollywood in almost every field.

Artists, art director, writer, film director and producer Mumtaz Hussain got admission at National College of Arts (NCA) in Lahore. While at NCA, he decorated the palace of Sheikh Zaid bin Sultan, an architectural landmark in Karachi, Pakistan.

In 1987, Hussain left for London to study European art forms. In 1988 he settled New York to pursue graphic design at the School of Visual Art, additionally, Mumtaz also studied filmmaking.

As an artist, Hussain has displayed more than 26 exhibitions of artworks including paintings and calligraphy. His paintings are in several universities as part of their permanent collection. Being a prolific writer, his Urdu book “Gool Ainak Ka Pechay” has been a bestseller whereas two more books in Urdu and English will be published soon.

He has also served as an art director for Simon & Schuster, Calvin Klein and Ralph Lauren. Mumtaz Hussain directed an informative talk show for Channel 9 “Ask a Lawyer”. He recently finished production of a feature length film “art=(love)2”.

“Soul of Civilization” has been shown at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. “Inside You”, “Push Button for”, and “Butterfly Screams” are some of his famous movies.

His recently launched film “art=(love)2” has been a milestone and had achieved several awards including Best Cinematography feature length Category 2013 at Jaipur International Film Festival, Award of Merit 2012 a Lucerne International Film Festival Switzerland, Gold Winner Award 2012 at Prestige Film Festival Hollywood, Platinum Reel Award Standout Film making 2012 at Nevada Film Festival, Official Selection at Vegas Cine Festival 2012 and Official Selection at Delhi International Festival 2012.

Mumtaz Hussain was of the view that there is no dearth of talent and creativity in our people specially youth but there is only a need of government’s attention towards them.

He also gave example of Pakistani plays, serials, dramas and singers who had been acknowledged in the international market.

“Similarly if filmmakers are given time, resources and attention, they would prove themselves on the top” he added.

He urged the government to follow Iran’s steps in strengthening their film industry by imposing a ban on import of foreign commercial movies.

For his services and guidance he observed that he had been contacted by several final year students of film making at NCA and BNU and he would provide them guidance through internet when he is in the United States.


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