May 21, 2016
PM Nawaz showers flowers, fruits and sweets at Gillanis
LAHORE: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif Saturday has visited Gillani House in Lahore and congratulated the former Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani on recovery of his son Hiader Ali Gilani from the captivity of Taliban earlier this month.
When the Prime Minister reached at Gillani House he was loaded with flowers, fruits and sweets to share the happiness of Gillani family.
Begum Kalsoom Nawaz and son Hussain Nawaz were also accompanied with the Prime Minister. During the meeting of two political leaders Haider Ali Gillani was also present. PM Nawaz congratulated him on his safe return.
A Few days back CM Punjab Shahbaz Sharif also visited Yousuf Raza Gillani’s house and congratulated Gillani over recovery of Ali Haider Gillani. On this occasion, other members of Gillani family were also present.