
May 31, 2016

PSP believes in changing political culture of Pakistan: Kamal

QUETTA: Pak Sarzameen Party leader Syed Mustafa Kamal addressed the Balochistan Bar and said that his party believed in changing the political culture of Pakistan.

"We are ready to embrace even our enemies," said Mustafa Kamal during his address. The former Mayor of Karachi and ex-Senator said that the only way to eradicate corruption was to change the system.

"In order to solve the problems of the people, power and resources should be transferred to the lower level," he said. He also said that the function of his party was not to play politics or seek out positions.

Mustafa Kamal had also met members of the Hindu Panchayat in Quetta yesterday. Other leaders of Pak Sarzameen Party including Anees Qaimkhani, Ashfaq Mangi and Ataullah Kurd also accompanied him to Quetta.



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