
May 15, 2018

‘Pakistan stands in solidarity with the Palestinian cause’: FO

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Foreign Office (FO) on Monday issued a statement expressing solidarity to the Palestinian cause and its people.

The statement affirmed that Pakistan stood by its call for establishment of a viable, sovereign and contiguous State of Palestine that is in accordance with the internationally agreed parameters, the pre-1967 borders and with Al-Qudus as its Capital.

FO asserted that Pakistan was gravely concerned over United States (US) moving its Embassy to Jerusalem despite pressure from the International community to conform to United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and UN Security Council’s (SC) resolutions on two-State solution.

Pakistan affirmed this as a violation of International law and of the resolutions 476 and 478 of the SC.

FO further added that both Parliament and Senate had raised their voice against US’s decision, and will remain adamant on their disapproval.

Resolution 476 of the UNSC was adopted by the SC on June 30, 1980 after a letter was sent from a Pakistani representative. The resolution contains and reaffirms that the acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible. It states that the specific status of Jerusalem and in particular the need for protection and preservation of the unique spiritual and religious dimension of the Holy Places in the city. The resolution reaffirmed the overriding necessity to end prolonged occupation of Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967.

UNSC Resolution 478 was adopted on August 20, 1980 that reaffirmed the determination to examine practical ways and means, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the UN Charter, to secure full implementation of resolution 476 (1980), in the event of non-compliance by Israel.




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