Nov 12 , 2015


Pakistan submits carbon emission reduction strategy to UN

ISLAMABAD - The Ministry of Climate Change on Thursday submitted Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) - a national carbon emission reduction strategy- to the United Nations Convention Framework on Climate Change (UNCFCC).

In accordance with Article 2 of the convention, the participant countries are required to achieve stabilisation of greenhouse gases concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. Within this framework required all countries to submit their INDCs, the kind of commitments, contributions and actions which they are considering to undertake in the period beyond 2020-2030 to achieve the objectives of the convention.

The approval of the strategy was given by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. The Ministry of Climate Change Secretary Arif Ahmed Khan said that though the country is amongst lowest emitters and accounts for less than one percent of the total global carbon emissions. He said that it remains committed to the global efforts to reduce climate-altering carbon emission, to tackle global warming and its impacts by adopting low-carbon development pathways particularly in energy, agriculture and transport.

“But we do not want to compromise over national development trajectory to achieve economic growth, fight poverty and boost living standards of the people,” the secretary said. He said that Pakistan’s INDCs are rooted in Pakistan Vision 2025, which is a roadmap of economic growth, social inclusion and sustainable development aimed at transforming the country into a vibrant and prosperous nation by 2025.



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