Nov 23 , 2015


Denial of asylum to Muslim refugees legally, morally unjustified: Pakistan
* Envoy says fear was being fanned by some countries to accentuate discrimination, blunt humanitarianism and spread hate and Islamophobia

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has warned the international community at the UN that denial of asylum to Muslim refugees by some countries was legally, politically and morally unjustified.

“The moral compass of those who refuse refugees of any faith must be questioned,” Ambassador to the United Nations (UN) Maleeha Lodhi said, according to an official statement released by Pakistan Mission to the UN in New York City.

Speaking in a debate at the UN General Assembly on the global refugee crises, the envoy said that fear was being fanned by some to accentuate discrimination, blunt humanitarianism, and spread hate and Islamophobia.

She described the refugee crisis as ‘one of the defining humanitarian and political issues of our times’, adding that how the issue is addressed will influence political and social trends for decades to come – either bridging or dividing cultures and civilisations.

The ambassador said it was time to acknowledge that the interlocking crises and conflicts raging across the Middle East and Africa have been precipitated by ‘misguided military interventions in the internal affairs of several regional states’.

Lodhi stressed that ‘history and current events attest that foreign intervention begets more chaos and violence, breaking down established structures of stability, destroying states and displacing people’.

Pakistan’s envoy urged addressing the root causes of the flow of refugees to Europe. Conditions, she said, will have to be created to enable the refugees to return to their homes in dignity and peace.

She also called for political solutions to be promoted to halt the conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. Compromises, she added, may be difficult but are essential.

Ambassador Lodhi said, “Fixed preconditions for peace and negotiations are a recipe for continuing conflict and chaos. The rights of majorities and minorities will have to be respected. Nor can the political hegemony of any power or combination of powers form the basis for durable peace in the region.”

Highlighting the need to urgently resolve the refugee crises, the envoy expressed hope that the UN debate would yield recommendations for a clear, resolute and unified response to this crisis. “A response that is timely, coherent and comprehensive, and, above all, based on the principles of humanitarianism, human rights and national and global responsibility.”

Calling for refugees to be treated with compassion, Lodhi said that it was essential that the flow of humanity to European shores must be met with humanity and, she added, that compassion has no religion.



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