
Thursday, October 06, 2011

Abbottabad Commission questions Osama bin Laden widows, daughters, ISI chief

ISLAMABAD: A Pakistani commission investigating how Osama bin Laden lived undetected for years in the country has interviewed the al Qaeda leader’s widows and daughters for the first time, it said on Wednesday. The “exhaustive interview” of bin Laden’s three widows and two of his daughters took place on Tuesday, the commission announced in a brief statement. Pakistan took custody of bin Laden’s widows, two Saudis and one Yemeni, and around 10 of their children, after US Navy SEALs killed him and flew off with his body from the army town of Abbottabad on May 2. The incident plunged US-Pakistani relations into crisis. Initial efforts to repatriate the women and children ran a ground when the commission in July ordered them to remain in Pakistan until further notice, indicating that it wanted to question them in relation to its inquiries. The commission also interviewed the Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency head Ahmad Shuja Pasha, on Wednesday and would question him again on Thursday, it said. On Tuesday, members of the commission interviewed Doctor Shakil Afridi, a government surgeon who is being questioned over a free vaccination campaign he reportedly launched in March-April in the bin Ladens’ neighbourhood. agencies


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