

India must stop state terrorism in occupied Kashmir: Fazl

ISLAMABAD : Chairman Parliament Kashmir Committee Maulana Fazl ur Rehman has said that India must stop state terrorism in occupied Kashmir.
In a statement Chairman Parliament Kashmir Committee Maulana Fazl ur Rehman has said that India Kashmir were waging a valiant struggle for their right to self-determination, which was just and in accordance with the international laws. However, India desires to crush it with force.

The Indian security forces are indulging in the orgy of death. Pakistan cannot remain a silent spectator on such situation. India must stop the state terrorism in the occupied Kashmir, he urged.

He observed that Kashmiris were struggling for their right to self-determination, which was genuine in light of UN Resolution on Kashmir, the UN Charter, the universal declaration, of Human Rights. Therefore this struggle is the democratic right of the Kashmiris.

He said that of course we desire to have good relation with India and resolve all disputes, including the Kashmir issue, through dialogue, but this doesn’t mean that in the grab friendship, Aman Asha dialogue India should carryout genocide of Kashmiris.

He said that American forces in both Iraq and Afghanistan were around one hundred and fifty thousand, whereas in the occupied Kashmir India had deployed more than seven thousands security forces, who with the support of the draconian laws were killing the Kashmiris.

Maulana stated at after the latest polls in the occupied Kashmir, India announced that over 60 per cent Kashmiris had participated in the electoral exercise and that the Kashmiris wanted to stay with India. If this is true, why hundreds of thousands Kashmiris are taking to the streets. Chanting the slogans of freedom., he said Kashmiris are not only against India but they also hate pro-Indian Kashmiri leaders. Therefore, pro-Indian Kashmiri leaders are hiding themselves. The police is guarding the houses, families and graves of those Kashmiri leaders, who beguiled the masses.

Maulana said that new Kashmiri generation have been wounded by the high handedness of Indian security forces. Therefore, the Kashmiris youth will not beguiled by India or pro-Indian Kashmiri leaders. They are determined to win freedom from India. Every Kashmiri child has stones in his hands to pelt at the Indian soldiers. In the past India blamed Pakistan for supplying arms to the Kashmir, wether these stones are also provided by Pakistan, he asked. online




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