Friday, September 10, 2010
Florida denies permit to burn holy Quran
LAHORE: City officials in Gainesville, Florida, have denied a burning permit to a local church that wants to burn copies of the holy Quran on September 11. Gainesville officials say book burnings like the one planned by the Dove World Outreach Centre are prohibited under the city’s burning ordinance. City officials further warned that the church would face a fine if it went ahead with the burnings. The Dove World Outreach Centre, led by pastor Terry Jones, had announced the planned holy Quran burning last month. The pastor has now said that he would likely call off the event if asked to by the Obama administration. He said he had not yet been contacted by the White House, Pentagon or the US State Department. “That will cause us definitely to think it over. That’s what we’re doing now,” Jones said. daily times monitor/agencies
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