
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Nisar wants parliament to devise mechanism on US allegations

* PML-N leader says US ambassador should be summoned to explain position viz-a-viz allegations against spy agency

By Tanveer Ahmed

ISLAMABAD: Opposition Leader in National Assembly Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan Friday called for convening a session of parliament to devise a national stance against US allegations against Pakistan over its supposed connections with the Haqqani network which is allegedly used to carry out terror activities across the border in Afghanistan.

Addressing a press conference in his chamber, Nisar termed the visit of the ISI director general to the US and the explanation by the Foreign Office too short a response to US allegations regarding a proxy war being fought by the ISI by backing the Haqqani network.

“The US ambassador in Pakistan should also be summoned to explain the position viz-a-viz these allegations,” Nisar demanded. He stressed that an integrated and comprehensive national approach would be the best option to respond to these verbal attacks on Pakistan, which had sacrificed 35,000 citizens in the war against terrorism.

Nisar said that Pakistan’s joining of the US war against terror had not benefited Pakistan in any way and said that that a review of this policy was essential after the US hurled accusations at its frontline ally. Expressing serious concern over Admiral Mike Mullen’s statement in the US Senate, the opposition leader also noted that the way Pakistan had been accused by USA administration officials over the last few weeks was cause for serious concern.

Even those in the US administration who used to be a bit lenient towards Pakistan, he pointed out, were adopting tougher rhetoric, which, according to him, was a matter of grave concern for the government and people of Pakistan.

He dubbed the statement of Admiral Mike Mullen a joke devoid of any common sense, saying that Pakistan, including the ISI, had nothing to gain by attacking the US embassy in Kabul when both had the same agenda in the fight against terrorism.

The opposition leader demanded that the government wake from its deep slumber and call a parliament session with respect to the developments in Pak-US relations.



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