September 02, 2016
KE assures of up gradation of system, power generation
KARACHI: Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah has said that his government was giving special attention to the development of Karachi but this uplift without meeting energy demand of the city would make hardly any difference. "Therefore K -Electric has to chalk out a detailed plan enhance its generation and improve its transmission and distribution systems."
This he said while presiding over a meeting to review overall KE power generation capacity and its future endeavors to make this city once again the city of lights and to flourish its trade and industry to give a new boost to the national economy. The meeting was attended by CEO K-E Tayyab Tareen, Mr Asif, Chief Generation Mr Dale Sinkler and others. The Sindh government was represented by Secretary Energy Agha Wasif, Principal Secretary Naveed Kamran Baloch, Secretary Finance Hassan Naqvi and others.
Briefing the chief minister the CEO KE Mr Tayyab Tareen said that at present there was a demand of 3056 MW against which 2635 MW were available in the system which shows a shortfall of 421 MW. The shortfall is covered through load management. On this the chief minister said that he had received lot of complaints of load-shedding. The CEO KE said that the areas where lot of kundas are fixed directly in the supply lines power failure issues emerge there. They put extra load on the system which not only damage the KE system but trips the feeders. "This is actually power failure not load-shedding," he said.
He said that in most of the pockets of Korangi, Orangi, Landhi and Lines area have been made load-shedding free zone. The reason is the residents pay their power bills, do not adopt kundas and cooperate with KE and they are getting smooth supply.
The KE chief also said that Karachi's peak demand was expected to reach over 4.5 GW by 20123. Ke has received applications of 2.5 GW new connections by 2020 which include 600 MW of Behria Town, 100 MW DHA city and 50 MW Textile city. He added that there is an aggregate demand of over ne GW of additional capacity required in the existing areas.
Mr Tayyab claimed that in 2015-16 there is shortfall of 421 MW but by 2026 there would a 106 MW surplus because the demand would reach 5243 against the capacity of 5349 MW. The chief minister urged the KE administration not only make arrangements to cover the shortfall gap but make future planning. The Sindh government would extend them full support.
The chief minister was told that an investment of $1.6 billion has been planned to increase generation capacity by adding 1,983 MW through IPPs and 2300 MW from external power producers in the system.
The chief minister urged KE to improve further customer service and way out reduction in tariff. However, he appreciates the efforts and hard work of the CEO and his team for better performance.