Page 1 - Pakistan Link - October 19, 2018
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Pakistan Link
                                                                                                                        OCTOBER 19, 2018  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P1

                                                 The Largest Circulated Pakistani-American Newspaper in North America
         VOL. 28/42    Safar 9, 1440                             Friday, October 19, 2018                                              US & Canada $1.00

          PAGE  4                                  PAGE 11                                    PAGE  15
         Imran is Catching                       Fatima Bhutto                            Justice Siddiqui                         For news,

         up with the                             Flays Tehrik’s                           Removed by                               updated round
                                                                                                                                   the clock, visit
         Reality Check                           Politics                                 President                      
            Moved against CJP IMF Bailout May Not Be Needed                                                                      Unholy Alliance’: Shahbaz
         Supreme Judicial Council                                                                                                 ‘NAB and PTI Are in an

                        Lahore:   Th  e                                                                                          Islamabad:
                        Women’s  Ac-                                                                                             PML-N Presi-
                        tion  Forum                                                                                              dent    and
                        and some pro-                                                                                            Leader of the
                        dem o crac y                                                                                             O p p osi t io n
                        citizens  have                                                                                           Shahbaz Sharif
                        fi led a refer-                                                                                          on Wednesday
                        ence  against                                                                                            addressed the
                        Chief  Justice                                                                                           National  As-
                        Mian    Saqib                                                                                            sembly session
                        Nisar before the                                                                                         convened  on
        Supreme Judicial Council at the Su-                                                                                      the opposition’s demands to protest
        preme Court in Islamabad.                                                                                                his arrest by the National Account-
            Farhatullah Babar, Afrasiab                                                                                          ability Bureau (NAB).
        Khattak, Nighat Saeed Khan, Farie-                                                                                          Th  e PML-N president has been
        ha Aziz, Rubina Sehgal and others,                                                                                       in custody of the bureau since Oct
        who are among 98 signatories to the                                                                                      5  in the Ashiyana-i-Iqbal  housing
        reference fi led on October 10, said                                                                                     scam. His production orders were
        the  petition  accused  the  Chief  Jus-                                                                                 issued by NA Speaker Asad Qaiser
        tice of misconduct.                                                                                                      last week, aft er the opposition re-
            Seeking an inquiry into com-                                                                                         quested him to convene a session.
        plaints  against  the  top  judge,  the                                                                                     Leader of the House Imran
        petition read out by Ms Aziz alleged   Prime Minister Imran Khan expressed optimism during the course of his meeting with members of CPNE, APNS and PBA  Khan, Finance Minister Asad Umar
        that “through his remarks and ac-                                                                                        and  Foreign  Minister  Shah  Mah-
        tions he has indulged in conduct un-  Islamabad:  Following increasing   press News reported.  Last week, Islamabad had for-  mood Qureshi were not in atten-
        becoming of a judge, politicized the   criticism from opposition parties,   He  expressed  this  optimism   mally applied for IMF assistance to   dance.
        judiciary, violated the principles of   Prime  Minister Imran Khan on   during a meeting with representa-  deal with the current balance of pay-  At  the  outset  of  his  speech,
        the separation of powers, and dem-  Wednesday expressed the hope that   tives of the All Pakistan Newspapers   ments crisis. Th  ough it isn’t clear as   Shahbaz thanked opposition par-
        onstrated negligence and inability to   the government may not have to   Society (APNS), Pakistan Broad-  yet how much fi nancial assistance   ties and leaders — in particular PPP
        adjudicate in any independent, neu-  turn to the International Monetary   casters Association (PBA) and the   Pakistan would be seeking PM Im-  chairperson Bilawal Bhutto Zardari.
        tral, non-partisan and impartial   Fund (IMF) for a bailout to tide over   Council of Pakistan Newspaper Edi-  ran said that the country could need   “Th  is is the fi rst time in history
        CJP, P28                      the current economic problems, Ex-  tors (CPNE).             IMRAN, P28                    SHAHBAZ, P28
           Sharmeen Wins Eliasson                                                                                                Abbas Destroys Australia to
           Global Leadership Prize     Indigenously Built 17,000-Ton Fleet Tanker Commissioned                                       Put Pakistan on Top
                        New     York:                                                                                           Abu Dhabi: Me-
                        A c adem y                                                                                              dium pacer Mo-
                        Award   win-                                                                                            hammad    Ab-
                        ning  fi lmmak-                                                                                         bas registered a
                        er  Sharmeen                                                                                            fi ve-wicket  haul
                        Obaid-Chinoy                                                                                            to steer Pakistan
                        has won the                                                                                             into a  dominat-
                        2018 Eliasson                                                                                           ing position in
                        Global  Lead-                                                                                           the Second Test
                        ership  Prize                                                                                           against Austra-
                        awarded by Th  e                                                                                        lia in Abu Dhabi
        Tällberg Foundation in New York.                                                                                        on Wednesday.
            Th  e fi lmmaker and activ-                                                                                             Abbas fi nished with fi ve for 33
        ist, who has previously won acco-                                                                                       to bowl out Australia for a paltry
        lades for highlighting social issues                                                                                    145 to give Pakistan a 137-run lead
        through the medium of fi lm, is the                                                                                     in the fi rst innings on the second
        fi rst Pakistani to win the prestigious                                                                                 day at Sheikh Zayed Stadium.
        award.                                                                                                                      Pakistan stretched that lead
            Th  e award recognizes Shar-                                                                                        to 281 as they were 144 for two at
        meen as arguably one of the most                                                                                        close, with Azhar Ali on 54 and Ha-
        articulate global storytellers of her   PNS Moawin is the largest warship constructed at the Karachi Shipyard           ris Sohail 17 at the crease.
        generation. “Her fi lm work aims at   Karachi:  Pakistan  Navy   named PNS Moawin to its   Th  e ceremony was   and Naval Chief of Staff    With eight wickets in hand
        bringing attention to issues that so-  on Tuesday commissioned   fl eet during a ceremony   attended by President Dr   Admiral  Zafar  Mahmood  Pakistan were in a great position to
        cieties fi nd deeply uncomfortable   an  indigenously  built  held at the Pakistan Navy   Arif Alvi, Sindh Chief   Abbasi.  force a 1-0 lead in the two-match
        SHARMEEN, P28                 17,000-tonne fl eet tanker   Dockyard in Karachi.   Minister Murad Ali Shah   TANKER, P28  CRICKET, P26

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