Why I Support John Kerry

By Islam A. Siddiqui
Washington, DC

When I came to this country 40 years ago, I felt privileged to be educated in a country known throughout the world for its commitment to democracy, freedom, and best educational institutions. Over the years, my appreciation grew. I chose to make America my home and start a family here. I have never regretted that decision, but in the last four years, our country’s future as a model democracy has been placed in jeopardy. I support John Kerry and John Edwards because they recognize that our strength as a country lies in our commitment to upholding our core American values.

The Bush Administration’s policies have chipped away at fundamental American principles. The freedoms of religion, speech, expression and the right to live side-by-side in harmony as American citizens are being compromised. The controversial enforcement of the Patriot Act at home and the new doctrine of preemptive war abroad are reshaping our democracy and how Americans are viewed throughout the world.

It is time to end the “Era of John Ashcroft,” and restore our civil liberties. John Ashcroft and his Justice Department routinely deny Arab Americans and Muslim Americans their basic civil rights without any regard to principles of due process. Rather than rooting out those who threaten our democracy, this administration has promoted the use of detentions, investigations, and interrogations based solely on racial profiling and national origin. It is clear that we cannot live under another four years of the Bush-Cheney-Ashcroft Administration.

John Kerry and John Edwards recognize that Muslim Americans are a vital part of the American mosaic. They are determined to work with Muslims to resolve differences and to promote understanding. As Muslim Americans, we contribute to our local communities every day -- through our professions as doctors, teachers, engineers, and our roles as neighbors, parents, and friends. It is crucial that we elect individuals to the White House who respect and value our contributions to American society.

Not only has this administration threatened our civil liberties, it has also proven to be disastrous for our efforts abroad. We have entered Iraq without a plan to win the peace. We have diverted resources from Afghanistan and seen an increase in opium production in areas controlled by Afghan warlords. And, we have seen more Palestinians and Israelis die than under any other administration in recent history.

The current administration’s misguided policies are slowly laying a new foundation for the United States, one that is based on fear, mistrust, and military threats. The time has come for all Americans to exercise their most fundamental right and responsibility as US citizens. It is time to go to the polls and vote, so that we can bring back hope to the country and respect around the world. This election cannot be about allegiance to a political party, or an individual; it must be about building a stronger nation. The stakes are too high.

American Muslim and Arab Americans cannot stand by the sidelines and allow an administration in the White House that will continue to trample on our civil liberties, destroy our alliances abroad, and mislead us in Iraq. John Kerry and John Edwards possess the courage and leadership qualities necessary to restore American values domestically and internationally.

(Dr. Islam A. Siddiqui served in the Clinton Administration as the Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs, US Department of Agriculture)


Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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