Veil/Hijab Becoming a Symbol of American Muslims?
By Moin Moon Khan
Last week, when I watched the
one-minute snapshot of the hearing of the Patriot
Act in US Congress, I saw about half a dozen veil/Hijab-wearing
Muslim women sitting in the audience. That is
the only image that got registered in my psyche
and certainly in the minds of millions of Americans.
We must salute Muslim women, who wear Hijab, for
their courage, initiative, volunteerism, outreach
work, and patriotism. They are the symbols of
a true American because a true American believes
in constitutional freedom, participates in the
civic arena, partakes in debates and peacefully
lobbies for an issue that is near and dear to
her and him.
Having said that, I must acknowledge that it bothers
me when a religious figure represents my secular
identity as a proud American. Fighting against
some of the terrible provisions of the Patriot
Act is indeed patriotic, but fighting it from
a religious perspective is religiosity. Fighting
for my civil rights is my innate human right,
and it does not need any religious overtone.
When a group champions pro-life issues, it does
not need priests, rabbis, or imams to go on a
picket line because saving the existence of a
child is and should be everybody's business, and
any Tom, Dick and Ahmad should walk the walk.
Opposing the same sex marriage does not need any
recitation from a scripture to justify its annulment.
The supporters of common law marriage have to
justify their cause by emphasizing the need for
progeny and respect for their way of life, etc.
In this country of secular leanings, the overdose
of religiosity weakens an issue like strong and
bitter words indicate a weak cause.
Those who watched the 60-second image of the Patriot
Act's hearing may rightfully ask why are Muslim
women in Hijab propelled on the forefront of defending
the rights of seven to eight million Muslims of
America? Where are Muslim men? Where are Muslim
women without Hijab?
But that image is not a solitary picture of 2005.
In almost all public meetings all over the United
States, Hijabi women outnumber men and "regular"
(for lack of better word) Muslim women.
The question is where are "regular"
Muslim women? Are "regular" Muslim women
not volunteering for these events and causes?
Do the organizers not approach them? Or do the
organizers strategically place Hijabi women in
As I indicated earlier, I have great respect for
Hijabi women, but I don't want to use them to
fight for my civil rights. They should not be
used as our weapons or as our Marines, so to speak.
Fighting for our rights in the United States in
the name of religion is the worst act we can perform.
We should not bring the Hijab and Hijabis to a
boiling point that had stirred the anti-Muslim
sentiment in France and pushed Muslims in the
back seat as the Nine Eleven terrible catastrophe
recoiled Muslims 20 years back in the United States.
It is not important what is on a woman's head
- scarf, Hijab, hat, bandana, burqah, veil, purdah,
chador, or simply hair; the most important point
is what is in her head. Mother Teresa covered
her head, whole life, like millions of Muslim,
Hindu, Sikh, and Christian women of India, Pakistan,
and Bangladesh, and also like my mom, but she
was also known for working for the most untouchables.
A few years ago, my wife's niece graduated from
her high school as a valedictorian. We were discussing
her speech content, which was interspersed with
quotations from American president, philosopher,
and scientist. Her one relative asked her to include
some passages from the Holy Qur’an or Hadith.
However, I had a different view. My argument was
that she was wearing a full length Hijab, which
was in itself a life-size portrait of Islam. In
that situation, she did not need any overdose
of her religion there.
The erudite speech given by Queen Noor of Jordan,
and Maliha Lodhi, former ambassador of Pakistan
to the United States, always fascinates me, and
they do not wear Hijab.
Last year, I watched with amazement proceedings
of the Organization of Islamic Countries on C-Span.
Most of the wives of the heads of the states of
Muslim countries were not wearing Hijab, and I
saw them shaking hands with Mahathir Mohammad,
the then president of the OIC.
My wife's nephew got married recently in Pakistan.
We received a videocassette of the wedding ceremony.
There were only a handful of women who were wearing
burqah or Hijab among about 300 well-dressed beautiful
Let it be very clear. I respect Muslim women with
Hijab and I support those who want to wear it.
There are a few of them in my family. This is
their choice, which is part of their civil rights.
At the same time, I would like to have similar
respect for Muslim women who choose not to cover
their head. There should not be any kind of whispering
and allusion to sins or aspersion on their characters.
We need to respect both groups and we should not
use one group over another in public meetings
and hearings.
In fact, I would prefer the image of Hijabi women
piloting NASA's satellite into the space, working
as CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, reporting on
CNN from the White House and Pentagon, anchoring
a talk show like Oprah Winfrey, and developing
a new medicine for AIDS control. We should inspire
our daughters and ladies to be heroes and not
the examples of victims. When Islam is presented
with the example of excellence, it is the best
and most suitable presentation of our faith and
(Moin Moon Khan, an Illinois-based political activist,
can be reached at or at