The Sanctity of the Official Umra
By Siddique Malik

“No Sau Chooai Kha Kai Bily Haj Ko Chaley.”
The above title is an Urdu aphorism that highlights the hypocrisy behind an act. It translates into something like this: “After devouring nine hundred mice, the cat embarked on the journey towards the pilgrimage”.
It is shocking to discover that Pakistan’s recent three prime ministers spent a total of 43 million rupees of taxpayer’s money in performing Umra along with an entourage of family members and friends. Abuse of power and misuse of public funds are known general characteristics of Pakistan’s ruling establishments. What flabbergasts me is their assumption that not only they can hide their misdeeds from the people of Pakistan (which they almost always are able to do), they can also hide these from Allah.
What is the point in going to Umra when the money used in getting to Mecca is not one’s own and has been grabbed unethically, unfairly and perhaps illegally? With such money, one can build opulent mansions, purchase land, import luxurious cars and then show off these ill-gotten items and feel a sense of perverted pride. But when one is dealing directly with Allah who always knows the inside story, why even try a dirty trick? Do these people think that they can issue a fabricated press statement and Allah will be OK with their treachery?
Where are the society’s self-declared custodians of morality who have taken it upon themselves to ensure that no woman’s scarf slips from her head, no one can play music or dance to a tune? What do they think of some people using others’ money to go to Mecca? Is this not an act of blasphemy?
I am further disappointed at the fact that an executive of the Citibank who came to Pakistan with great fanfare to supposedly rewire Pakistan’s administrative psyche is involved in this immoral (to say the least) act, too. I seriously doubt that he behaved like this at the Citibank, because the Citibank’s auditors would have caught it. Why could he not better manage his impulses in Pakistan? Talk about getting two birds with one stone; he got three. He has brought bad name to Pakistan, America and the Citibank.
It is truly saddening that it almost always happens that the moment one enters the halls of power in Pakistan, he/she starts to believe that the norms of decency and ethics, and the requirements of the law and the Constitution do not apply to him/her. Pakistan desperately needs to improve its apparatus of accountability and its ability to apply the concept of administrative checks and balances. Otherwise, even angels will turn into demons.
Meanwhile, it will be most appropriate if the prime minister resigns (he can take his brilliant ideas back to the Citibank), reimburses the treasury and asks his predecessors to do the same. Also, it should be thoroughly investigated if any laws were broken. If so, then the proper punitive mechanisms should be invoked.
Once, a train, on its routine run through the British countryside, hit a cow. The British minister of transportation of the time, promptly resigned. What we have now is an act of smearing the concept of Umrah through a wanton act of abuse of power. Surely, this should be a serious matter in an ‘Islamic Republic’.


Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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