Impalpable Movement on Kashmir Issue
By G Mujtaba

During the last two days, the news are pouring in to indicate that there is some, though impalpable, movement on the Kashmir issue going on behind the scene. The first item below could well be a piece of wishful thinking or speculative journalism. The second one indicates that there is some stir going on in the ruling political circles of New Delhi to get prepared before the expected encounter between the leaders of the two countries. The third one indicates the possible moves and direction to be considered next to further the momentum on Kashmir talks.
The frustrated mind of the Indian leadership was reflected in their whimsical thinking that they would 'ultimately' be able to prey the determination of Pakistani people with their 'powerful' weapons of cricket and bollywood. Avoiding the current peace process by the Indian leadership was evident when the Delhi government faced a dilemma last week to invite Pakistan president who intends to break the impasse by taking advantage of the cricket diplomacy.
Ultimately the Indians had to show 'courtesy' by extending invitation while reiterating conventional Indian position on Kashmir and Indian EAM saying bluntly that the Pakistani leader's visit would be limited to the confines of the cricket stadium. President Musharraf on the other hand would like to articulate his country's viewpoint on Kashmir and the need to move forward on the peace process track. If he would not be able to see his counterparts in New Delhi, he would do it before the media there. If not allowed, he should address the audience in the cricket stadium there.
The Indian leadership has been avoiding the higher level dialogue on Kashmir for quite some time now that is necessary to keep the momentum alive of the overall 'composite dialogue.' First they found the opportunity to have the SAARC summit postponed and now they are avoiding Musharraf's desire to take opportunity of the cricket meet to reach the Indian leaders for a further meaningful dialogue at the higher level.
The Indian leaders have yet not embraced the demands of the Kashmiri leadership to initiate a dialogue on their side of Kashmir but are just left with the usual option to gain time one way or the other. While the visit of Indian Punjab's CM's visit of Pakistan is currently heading in the right direction, let us hope that the upcoming visit of President Musharraf to India would go beyond watching fours-and-sixes and will be fruitful in breaking the standoff on the Kashmir issue.



Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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