Rejoinder to Washington Times ‘A Dog's Life (and Times)’
By Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Westridge-1, Rawalpindi

Sorry, a poor effort to defend cartoonist Bill Garner and eulogize dogs. Apart from what you say in praise of a dog and the place it holds in your culture, don’t you demean one’s dignity by using expressions like ‘an underdog’, ‘a dog’s life’, ‘a dirty dog’, ‘every dog has his day’, ‘die like a dog ‘ (die miserably or shamefully), ‘ go to dogs’, ‘dog in the manger’, ‘try it on a dog’ (meaning a useless inferior), ‘dog-eat-dog’ (a derogatory term for competition), ‘stink like a dog’, ‘dog-fennel’ (stinking chamomile). Need any more of male dog derogatory expressions, though there are a million about the bitch?
Now coming to the cultural gap between the East and the West about which you say, ”You can offend a devout Muslim, as the editorial page of this newspaper has learned to our chagrin, with a canine comparison that would cheer a conscientious Christian.” Strange, that a newspaper of your caliber did not know it before and has learnt it only now that such canine comparison could offend Muslims! Do you really want us to believe it? No, Sir, you darn well knew it and yet chose to publish it. And then there could have been a hundred other ways of depicting compassionately a lovable dog in a cartoon than a GI holding it on the leash clearly demonstrating a burly master goading a hapless servile dog into carrying out yet another task for him. Come on, Mr. Editor, I give your intelligence much more credit than what you are trying to display.


Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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