Saturday, March 29, 2025


Islam and Terrorism
By Ahmed Abdul Mujeeb Nadvi
(M. Owais Jafrey, tr.)

Peace is the basic need for society to prosper and progress. The Holy Qur’an reminds us of the two among many of Allah (SWT)’s favors: One - that He (SWT) provided food to the inhabitants of a famine stricken land, and (2) that He established peace and security, where lawlessness was the law of the land.
Who (Allah) provided them (Qureysh) food in the days of famine and made them secure against fear. [106:4]
Lack of security hinders progress; education comes to a stand still, corruption seeps in, moral degradation takes charge, and evils like suspicion, mistrust, hatred, rage, cruelty, bad temper and emotions create a hell on earth. Any individual with essential human goodness and common sense should naturally be concerned on such a state of affairs. No faith, ideology or religion condones aggression and approves inflicting pain on innocent civilians. Such acts can originate only from a sick mind.
The edifice of Islamic society rests on two words “Momin” and “Muslim”, both reflect Islam’s emphasis on peace and security. “Momin” is rooted in “Amn”, that is peace. It means that Momin is a person who secures peace for others and none of his words or acts contradict peace. Muslim is rooted in “silm”, which means “peace”, “harmony” and “reconciliation”. Hence a Muslim is a person who seeks peace and provides security and safety to others. There are many traditions of our beloved Prophet (SAW) emphasizing the peace-loving nature of a Muslim. He (SAW) said that he is a real Momin whose neighbors are safe and live in peace. (Bukhari).
From the Islamic point of view, suicide and terrorism are totally forbidden and Haraam. The Creator of the heavens and the earth while commissioning man as His vicegerent on earth commanded him to keep the earth free of “fitna” mischief and “fasaad”, brawl, discord, intrigue, wickedness, riot, and war. Whoever commits and incites others to indulge in such evil and Haraam acts works against the very spirit of Islam. He cannot and should not be called a Muslim by any stretch of imagination. Allah (SWT) says in the Holy Qur’an:
“…Be good to others as Allah has been good to you, and do not seek mischief in the land, for Allah does not love the mischief makers.” [28:77]
Anyone who disrupts the peace either in his individual or national interest is condemnable and punishable in the sight of man and his Creator. The Qur’an says:
“The punishment for those who wage war against Allah and His Rasool and strive to create mischief in the land is death or crucifixion or the cutting off their hands and feet from opposite sides or exile from the land (based on the gravity of their offense)…”
In today’s democratic world, there is a distinction between man and man. Rules of justice and fair play are flexible and they vary from man to man and nation to nation. The Holy Qur’an holds the Law supreme without any distinction of faith, color or nationality. Its total impartiality is mentioned as such:
“O believers! Retaliation is prescribed for you in the cases of murder: a free man for a free man, a slave for a slave, and a female for a female. But if anyone is pardoned by his aggrieved brother, then blood money should be decided according to the common law and payment should be made with gratitude. This is the concession and a mercy from your Rabb. Now, whoever exceeds the limits after this, shall have a painful punishment.” [3:178]
In yet another place the Holy Qur’an says:
“We ordained in Torah for them: A life for life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth and for a wound an equal retaliation. But if anyone remits the retaliation by way of charity it will be an act of atonement for him; those who do not judge by the law which Allah has revealed, they are the wrongdoers.” [5:45].
To take someone’s life is a rebellion against the commands of Allah (SWT) and His Messenger. To take law in one’s own hand and kill a person is like killing the entire humanity. The Holy Qur’an says:
“…We ordained for the children of Israel that whoever kills a person, except as a punishment for murder or mischief in the land, it will be written in his book of deeds as if he had killed all the human beins, and whoever will save a life shall be regarded as if he gave life to all the human beings…” [5:32]
During the life of the Prophet (SAW), when a Muslim killed a non-Muslim, he was consequently killed in Qisaas. He (SAW) said: “I will honor the pledge of a non-Muslim, if he fulfills it.” To him (SAW), the blood of a Muslim and that of a non-Muslim was equal. The blood money of a Muslim and that of a non-Muslim was also the same and equal.
In the sight of Islam and that of its Prophet (SAW), the respect and value of the wealth and property of a Muslim and non-Muslim is the same. He (SAW) said that it is not legal to unjustly acquire, possess or confiscate the money and property of a non-Muslim. This command, it should be remembered, was given at the time of the battle of Kheybar when after victory some Muslims tried to take advantage of the situation. Similarly punishment for theft is applicable in the same measure to both, the Muslims and non-Muslims. It is Islam, which defined the value of human life and taught its respect. The Holy Qur’an uprooted the very basis of preference of race and religion by declaring that the entire humanity is the progeny of one man, Adam (AS). The Holy Qur’an says:
“It is Our favor that We have honored the children of Adam, blessed them with conveyances on land and sea, provided them with good and pure things and exalted them above many of Our creatures.” [17:70]
The Qur’an emphasizes justice by declaring that evil of a certain man or group should not lead you to avoid justice. There should be no element of bias or prejudice while justice is administered.
“O believers! Be steadfast for the sake of Allah and bear true witness and let not the enmity of a people incite you to do injustice; do justice; that is nearer to piety. Fear Allah, surely Allah is fully aware of all your actions.” [5:8]
With regards to religion, a degree of high restrain and patience has been commanded.
“Say, Ya Muhammad: Would you dispute with us concerning Allah, Who is our Rabb and your Rabb as well? We shall be accountable to Him for our deeds and you for yours; to Him alone we are devoted.” [2:139]
Islam doesn’t permit to punish one person for the crime of some one else, and to persecute many unrelated uninvolved people for the crime of a few.
“No bearer of a burden will bear another’s burden, and if a heavy laden person cries out for help, none will come forward to share the least of his burden, even though he be a close relative…” [35:18]
History attests that Prophet (SAW) has shown the world an unparalleled example of mercy, kindness and forgiveness when he entered Makkah as a conqueror. You may recall that he (SAW) and his companions were abused, persecuted, tormented and driven away from their homes. Their wealth and property were confiscated. Many of them were tortured to death. That is why while defeating the Makkans, Muslims were emotionally charged for vengeance like the other conquering people of the past and the present. But the Prophet (SAW) declared general amnesty. Addressing his worst enemies, he said: “Today is the day for mercy and kindness. You are not being held accountable. You are all free.” Instead of punishing Abu Sufiyan, the chieftain of the Qureysh of Makkah, the Prophet (SAW) honored him and guaranteed safety to whosoever took refuge. Wahshi – the savage, who killed the Prophet (SAW)’s dear uncle Hazrat Hamzah (RA) was pardoned as he embraced Islam. The honor of Prophet (SAW)’s companionship was bestowed upon him.
The Prophet (SAW) said: “Allah (SWT) doesn’t show kindness to the one, who is not kind to others.” (Bukhari. #7376).
“The Merciful shows mercy to those who are merciful to others. Be kind to the people of the earth, the One in the Heavens will treat you with mercy.” (Tirmidhi. #1924)
“The best among you is the one from whom is expected good and people are safe from his mischief. The worst among you is the one from whom you don’t expect good, and people are not safe from his mischief. “(Tirmidhi. #2663)
Nowadays, the word “terrorism” resounds all around and not a day goes by when we don’t hear of it. It dominates the media, and the world is torn by this “fitna” (scourge) and its perpetrators. To eradicate this menace once and for all, one has to get to its root causes like injustice, unemployment, poverty, lack of education, usurpation of civil or individual rights, oppression, and exploitation of the weak by the powerful. The state is similar to that of the pre-Islamic Arabia, where lawlessness was the law and life and property were at the mercy of the then powerful and the greedy war mongers.
The Prophet (SAW)’s message of love and brotherhood, justice and peace and its application to the daily life not only brought discipline and harmony to the then warn-torn society, but made Muslims the very instruments to free man from fear and oppression and give them freedom and peace from exploitation and injustice. It is sad that a religion which stands for peace and justice is being maligned. The entire Ummah of over a billion suffers for the criminal acts of a few. Suicide is totally “Haraam” in Islam and so is the taking of life of innocent people. It is our duty to save Muslims from the present unrelenting campaign of character assassination. This is possible only by projecting the correct image of Islam with our conduct and behavior, by learning and living Islam, and by educating others about Islam.


Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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