Saturday, March 29, 2025


Can Muslims Be Good Americans?
By Dr. Abidullah A. Ghazi (PhD, Harvard)
Executive Director
IQRA’ International Educational Foundation

Attacks against Islam and Muslims, made by individuals representing a wide range of questionable motives, are disturbingly becoming more and more overt in the American media. Most of these written assaults against Islam and Muslims can hardly be labeled academic expressions of any serious merit. More often, they are sloppy observations, comments, slurs and insults designed to misinform public and injure Muslim feelings.
To list the foremost prompters of these Islamophobic invectives in the media would be exhaustive and includes some prominent names; however, we must gratefully note that the overwhelming majority of Christian and Jewish denominations in America have refused to take part in such malicious anti-Muslim propaganda and continue to openly engage Muslims in dialogue.
When reading the writings of these Islamophobes one cannot help but perceive a goal of agitating the non-Muslim citizens of the United States against their fellow Americans of the Islamic faith. A close similarity this evil design (along with their half-truths passed off as fact) has with the venomous anti-Semitic propaganda of pre-WWII Nazi Germany is chilling indeed. What dismays Muslims most is the fact that there has yet to be any widespread outcry against it from more levelheaded members of government, the media or churches and synagogues. Certainly such material would generate a massive uproar if directed against other racial, ethnic or religious minorities.
The reason for my writing this cursory response to something that I would normally have ignored is in deference to some of my associates who implored me to respond, and for good reason. Many respected Muslim Americans had been approached by well-meaning Jewish and Christian colleagues with several confrontational and inflammatory pieces of writing they had come across via the Internet. These Muslims felt the need to put together a response so that those who wanted to know the true Islamic position on the issues raised could find satisfactory answers.
A lack of rejoinder from Muslims may allow our non-Muslim friends to view the allegations as the final position of our faith. Therefore, as per request from my friends, I have accepted the responsibility to reply to these accusations, not only to make my friends happy, but to use this opportunity to explain the Islamic position vis-à-vis these questions; the questions that maybe irksome for some and perplexing for others.
The article in question is on the Internet and in its full form is roughly two pages in length. Its author is none other than the Rev. Anis Shorrosh, a Palestinian Christian who has since the 1980s made quite a name for himself for bashing Islam. Rev. Shorrosh has written several virulently inaccurate and hate-filled books, including Islam Revealed and Islam: A Threat or A Challenge. One of his more recent feats has been the creation of a mock Qur’an known as the True Furqan, an outlandish parody which has been made available for widespread distribution.
At the commencement of the piece under discussion, Rev. Shorrosh poses the question, “Can a devout Muslim be an American patriot and loyal citizen?” He then proceeds to provide us with a reply that, in essence, asserts that Muslims can hardly be considered decent human beings, let alone good Americans. Thus Rev. Shorrosh, a “man of God”, not only displays his abhorrence of Muslims worldwide, but more so of Muslim Americans. Portions of the complete article have been anonymously sent out over the Internet with words encouraging readers to continue passing on his article with the words: “Pass it on; this war is bigger than we know!!”
My response to Rev. Shorrosh is not based on my own opinion, but rather on the two sources of Islamic faith and law: the Qur’an and Tradition of the Prophet (the Sunnah). These two are the wellsprings that 1.5 billion human beings hold dear to their lives. The Qur’an and Tradition of the Prophet, enjoin upon Muslim to be best models of humanity and law-abiding residents in the societies in which they live. Therefore Muslim Americans not only have a religious obligation to be loyal citizens, and in their actions they have time and time again proven themselves to be good for America in every sense of this word as friends, neighbors, colleagues and professionals. Thus for Muslims the issue is not if they could be but in fact they are model human beings and very good and productive citizens whose loyalty and education is without semblance of doubt. If some of us Muslims have not fulfilled our societal obligations it is due to our own human frailties not some supposed defect within our Sacred Scripture or in the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).
Let me first respond to some of the arguments that Rev. Shorrosh has presented in his attempt to demonstrate that Muslims cannot, no matter how they try, be dedicated and loyal American citizens. He furnishes the reader with nine questions and an already constructed response on each. He asks:

“Can a devout Muslim be an American patriot and loyal citizen?”
1). Theologically, no. Because his allegiance is to Akbar [sic!], the moon god of Arabia.

First let me clarify that Muslims do not worship a “moon god” called Akbar or any other god save the One God, the God of Abraham and the One God of all the other prophets and messengers (upon them all be peace!). The personal name of that God in the Arabic language is Allah (which in Hebrew is Eloah, or in the Aramaic of Jesus Alaha). In the Islamic tradition Allah is also known by ninety-nine beautiful names, none of which is “Akbar” as Rev. Shorrosh refers to here. Two of most frequently used of these names of Allah are ar-Rahman, “Most Gracious” and ar-Rahim, “Most Merciful.” Allah is the Lord and Master (Rabb and Malik) of all humanity and the entire cosmic order. He is the same God Who is worshipped by the Jews and Christians, not some alien deity or as some (like Craig Winn) have viciously suggested, Satan himself!
Muslims believe that Allah revealed His final book, the Qur’an, to the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him). In short, the central and core message presented in the Qur’an is Tawhid, “the Oneness of God”. It teaches Muslims to not only worship One God, but to enjoin good and prevent evil (Qur’an 3: 104, 110). Prophet Muhammad was a model on how to practice the teachings of the Qur’an in daily life. The message of the Qur’an and traditions of Prophet Muhammad teach how to be good model human beings. It directs believers to respect both the rights of the Creator (huquq Allah) as well as the rights of humanity (huquq al-cibad). The Qur’an teaches us not only to return the good that others may do to us with some thing good (Qur’an 55:60) but to return any harm done to us with benevolence, or ahsan (Qur’an 41:34) How can a Muslim not be a decent human being and ideal citizen if he or she follows such Divine injunctions?

“Can a devout Muslim be an American patriot and loyal citizen?”
2) Scripturally, no. Because his allegiance is to the five pillars of Islam and the Qur’an.

For those who may not know Islam lays down five fundamental acts of belief and action which are called the “Five Pillars.” These are:
a. Shahadah: To bear witness that “There is no god but One God and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.”
b. Salah: Five daily prayers, each of which concludes with a prayer for the well-being of all the children and followers of Abraham.
c. Sawm: Fasting in the month of Ramadan, the ninth month of Islamic lunar calendar.
d. Hajj: Pilgrimage to Makkah. This is made once in a lifetime for those who can afford it and are in good health. This pilgrimage to the first House of God, established by our common spiritual ancestors, Abraham and his eldest son Ishmael.
e. Zakat: This is a minimum obligatory charity on the savings that the affluent must pay t the needy of the society. For the maximum there is no limit.
Viewing these Five Pillars, an impartial observer will find them to be surprisingly close to Biblical values, demonstrating that Islam is a continuation of the traditions of earlier prophets and their upright teachings. These Five Pillars strengthen a Muslim’s faith in Allah and humanity at large. They offer a comprehensive plan for spiritual purification, social fulfillment and mutual cooperation. How can a people who are obliged to be spiritually pure, socially interactive and economically concerned for others not be good human being or good citizens?

“Can a devout Muslim be an American patriot and loyal citizen?”
3). Geographically, no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca for he turns toward it in prayer five times a day.

This answer is in itself fraught with defective reasoning. Mecca [Makkah] is a city, not a political entity to which one can make his or her “allegiance”. Makkah is a city in Arabia that was founded centuries before by Abraham, his wife Hagar, and his eldest son, Ishmael. It houses the House of God, called the Ka’bah (Qur’an 2:124-131). It is the most sacred sanctuary in the world to Muslims. As mentioned above, Muslims are required to make the pilgrimage (Hajj) to it once in a lifetime. Believers turn toward the Ka’bah five times a day when they pray following the tradition of their Prophet Abraham, our common ancestor.
However, Muslims do not owe political allegiance to the city or any of those who may be ruling over it now or in the past, be it mayor or king. Nor do the rulers of Saudi Arabia (who control Mecca politically nowadays) claim all Muslims to be their subjects. If belonging to a religion that has its holiest of shrines or roots in foreign lands disallows one from belong a “true” American? Are we ready to level the same charge against American Jews, Eastern Orthodox, Protestants and Catholics? The laws of the United States grant all of its citizens the freedom of worship (or abstaining from worship). Muslim Americans utilize this liberty, as do Americans of other faiths, so as to enhance their spirituality, improve their character and help serve society.
It must also be remembered that America is a country that was built through the efforts of immigrants, be they English Puritans, German farmers, Jewish shopkeepers or Mexican day-laborers. To ask Americans not to have empathy (which is not to be confused with allegiance!) for the countries from which their forefathers hailed is as unreasonable as it is un-American.

“Can a devout Muslim be an American patriot and loyal citizen?”
4). Socially, no. Because his allegiance to Islam demands that he make no friends of Christians and Jews. Q.[ur’an] 5:51
Muslims have allegiance to Islam as much as Jews, Christians and other religious communities to their respective faiths. Islam is a religion that recognizes at its very core the legitimacy of the faith traditions that came before it. As a faith it manifestly teaches religious tolerance (Qur’an 2:256 and 109:6), regardless of how bigots throughout history and modern-day Islamophobes have twist the Qur’an to prove otherwise. This attitude of tolerance has historically manifested itself and has overshadowed whatever tolerance may have been offered by pre-modern Western civilization. This tolerance made the lands of Islam a refuge for European Jewry as well as for non-conformist Christians in centuries past.
Both Jews and Christians have a special status as the “People of the Book” in Islam. Historically they were given the internal autonomy to practice their faith and manage their own institutions in the lands of Islam. The Prophet taught Muslims to protect places of worships and respect religious institutions of people of other faiths, and even not to use inappropriate language in conversations and dialogues. (Qur’an 29:46) Thanks to these Qur’anic teachings of tolerance, Muslim lands were once centers of peace and cultural development for all the peoples that lived within. The verse that Rev. Shorrosh provides as evidence for “Islamic” intolerance needs to be put into proper context. In times of hostilities Muslims are advised not to accept as WALIS those who may stand against them; it is an Arabic term that does not translate as “friend” or even “associate”. Rather it means “protector” or “guardian.” In times of peace Islam encourages cooperation and social interaction with not only People of the Book but with all humanity (Qur’an 5:2). Moreover Islam enjoined birr (good) and qist (justice) towards all human beings irrespective of their faith, if they are not violently hostile towards Muslims. Now, birr is the characteristic that Qur’an prescribes for the children toward their parents. Thus in the teachings of the Qur’an even a stranger is worthy of birr and qist for his/her right as human.
(To be continued)


Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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