Can Muslims Be Good Americans?
By Dr. Abidullah A. Ghazi
(PhD, Harvard)
Executive Director
IQRA’ International Educational Foundation

(Continued from last week: Many respected Muslim Americans had been approached by well-meaning Jewish and Christian colleagues with several confrontational and inflammatory pieces of writing they had come across via the Internet. These Muslims felt the need to put together a response so that those who wanted to know the true Islamic position on the issues raised could find satisfactory answers. A lack of rejoinder from Muslims may allow our non-Muslim friends to view the allegations as the final position of our faith. Therefore, as per request from my friends, I have accepted the responsibility to reply to these accusations, not only to make my friends happy, but to use this opportunity to explain the Islamic position vis-à-vis these questions; the questions that maybe irksome for some and perplexing for others.)

“Can a devout Muslim be an American patriot and loyal citizen?”
5). Politically, no. Because he must submit to the mullah who teaches annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.
Two accusations are combined in this accusation: a) Muslims follow a shadowy figure called “the mullah” and b) that this “mullah” teaches the annihilation of Israel and destruction of America. Let me address this with two additional points:
1. Islam does not have a priesthood or a divine institution of “mullah”-hood. There is no ultimate spiritual leader in Islam, a priest or “mullah” to whom Muslims are required to pledge their allegiance. While there is a very long tradition of theological scholarship within Islam and that is not to be denied, the declarations of these individuals have never been considered unconditionally authoritative. Besides that, Muslim Americans do not even have a collective leadership that would require them to rise up and destroy a foreign power like Israel or their own country, America, wherein lies their own future and future of their children and grandchildren. America is home for more than seven million Muslims, most of who are highly qualified, motivated and gainfully employed. They make formidable contributions to various sectors of the nation’s existence. America’s Muslim population is also rich in ethnic diversity, 25% of whom are indigenous African-American converts to the faith. The record of loyalty that this community has displayed to America stands unblemished. Since 9/11 no Muslim American of any standing has been indicted for any crime against the state.
2. There is no belief in Islam that calls for destruction of any state or of any people, even if that state is at odds with a segment of the Muslim world, as is the case with Israel today. Despite popular myth Muslims and Jews have not been at odds for centuries. Jews in medieval period were well protected by Muslims during an age when they were horridly oppressed by Christians. Many have recognized that the golden age of the Jewish people coincided with the zenith of Muslim rule over the Iberian Peninsula. Certainly the conflict between the Arabs and Israel is agonizing, tragic and complicated. It has consumed the attention of many Americans, both Jewish and Muslim, and we hope it will be resolved peacefully sooner than later. Despite this divisive conflict, numerous Muslim and Jewish groups from all over America are currently busy in serious dialogue and bridge building efforts. I am personally engaged in some of these. Our organization, IQRA’ International Educational Foundation, is playing a leading role in interfaith understanding here in the Chicago area and internationally.
The majority of the world’s Muslims admire America’s efforts to encourage democracy and political stability throughout the world. They have also allied themselves with America in the struggle against terrorism. However, Muslim Americans are no different that other Americans in their support or opposition to certain policies of our government. But is this not the right of each and every citizen of the United States?

“Can a devout Muslim be an American patriot and loyal citizen?”
6). Domestically, no. Because he is instructed to marry four women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him. Q.[ur’an] 4:34
It is true that Islam allows polygamous marriages as was the Biblical tradition. But Islam encourages monogamy (Qur’an 4:3). Polygamy is not an obligation for Muslim men, nor is it a norm in Muslim life but rather an exception. America’s Muslims are monogamous (there may be few exceptions) and they offer an excellent example of healthy, value-centered family life. And even if Muslims did engage in polygamy on a large scale, would that make them any less loyal to the United States? How so?
If this is a criterion for loyalty then what are we to do about the millions of Americans who have multiple sex partners, something that is acceptable by today’s norms? An Islamic polygamous marriage places religious and moral responsibilities upon a man for equal treatment to all his wives and any children that may come from such unions. The relationship between husband and wife in the Qur’an and Islamic tradition is based on love, care and compassion (Qur’an 30:21). The Qur’an describes husband and wife as coverings for each other (Qur’an 2:187). As the covering protects, so must husband and wife be to each other. Again, it is known to Jews and Christians that polygamy is accepted within the Biblical tradition. There are several sects of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) that practice unlimited polygamy to this day. But does Rev. Shorrosh dare question their loyalty to the United States?

“Can a devout Muslim be an American patriot and loyal citizen?”
7). Religiously, no. Because no other religion is accepted by his Allah except Islam—intolerance. Q.[ur’an] 2:256
Islam is a religion for all of humanity revealed by the One God through his prophets and messengers. Muslims believe that Islam is nothing other than a continuation of the primeval and supra-historical monotheism as revealed since the beginning of time. This message has everlastingly consisted of two major themes: a) Tawhid, the Oneness of God and b) good moral conduct (Qur’an 2:213). The revelation that was given to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the form of the Qur’an is a continuation of the message of all the prophets, messengers and spiritual guides, such as Abraham, Moses and Jesus, who came before. It is part of a Muslims faith to believe in all of them and the Qur’an shows the utmost deference to them.
The Qur’an very clearly forbids coercion in matters of faith (Qur’an 2:256) whether such compulsion be by peaceful means or by force. Historically one would be hard pressed to find instances of “forced conversion” in the Muslim world. Rather the Qur’an promotes mutual cooperation among humanity for good of all (Al-Ma’idah 5:2). It specially encourages positive relationship to be built with People of the Book (Jews and Christians) on the basis of their common faith in one God (Qur’an 3:64).

“Can a devout Muslim be an American patriot and loyal citizen?”
8). Intellectually, no. Because he cannot accept the American constitution since it is established on Biblical principles, because he believes the Bible is corrupted.
Stating that the American constitution is based upon Biblical principles is something that is wide open to debate. But for the sake of argument, let us accept this for a fact. Most of the principles that one can term as being “Biblical” in origin are religiously and morally acceptable to Muslims, as they are no different from Qur’anic principles of morality. But in reality the concepts of democracy, secularism, federalism, human rights, the separation of church and state that are enshrined in the American constitution originate from the European Enlightenment of the 18th century by way of the Renaissance, and any historian will tell you that Renaissance-era thought was deeply influenced by Islamic civilization, where principles of human equality, religious tolerance, justice, and consultation (Shura’) had existed for centuries.
The constitution of the United States of America is one of the noblest documents in history and it provides equal rights and justice to all of the citizens of this fair land. Muslim Americans enjoy religious and social rights under this constitution and they have religious responsibility to follow the law of the land and contribute to the welfare of the nation in accordance with the commandments of the Qur’an.
Muslims accept as a religious principle the divine origin of both the Torah and the Gospel. The Qur’an describes the Torah of Moses as guidance and light (Qur’an 5:44) and Gospel of Jesus Christ as (Qur’an 5:46) enlightenment and council. It also asks Jews and Christians to follow their respective scriptures faithfully (Qur’an 3:23). However as much as the Qur’an confirms the divine origin of these preceding scriptures it also points out the changes they went through over the centuries. Modern academic research has given witness to this fact. Would Rev. Shorrosh place the same outlandish charges of treason against Western academia for their questioning the historical authenticity of the Bible?

“Can a devout Muslim be an American patriot and loyal citizen?”
9. Philosophically, no. Because Islam, Muhammad and the Qur’an does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is dictatorial or autocratic except Turkey.
The concepts of human rights and religious freedom are ideas a little more than two centuries old in the West. Regrettably notions of modern democracy and human rights cannot be explicitly found in the Bible either, so Rev. Shorrosh has become the proverbial pot calling the kettle black. In reality, despite the dear reverend’s endeavor to tie Islam with dictatorship and autocracy, it is the first world religion to unequivocally promote freedom of conscience and religion. These principles are not only guaranteed by the Qur’an and Prophetic tradition, as we have shown, but they have been demonstrated throughout Muslim history. Nearly all Muslim societies are mosaics of religious communities and cultural diversity because these freedoms have been historically guaranteed in Muslim societies. Until the 19th century Europe was almost uniformly Christian and there was little toleration for non-Christian segments of the population.
In one aspect Rev. Shorrosh is correct: there are over fifty-five countries in the world today that have Muslim majorities yet only a handful has democratic institutions. Nevertheless, the Muslim countries of today have fallen way behind in fulfilling the ideals of Islam while the West has jettisoned religious intolerance and autocratic government enshrining its progressive principles in constitutions as well as implementing them. It is in search of these very freedoms and opportunities that Muslim immigrants have been migrating to the West and especially to America. And the West has graciously welcomed them. Therefore it is the Muslims’ moral responsibility to return this kindness with appreciation and goodness (Qur’an 55:60). However we cannot ignore some of the major factors for the lack of democratic tradition in today’s Muslim world.
• Nearly all the Muslim world (with the exception of Turkey) was under European colonial domination in the 19th and 20th centuries (or even longer in some cases). During this period their colonial masters never prepared subject populations for eventual independence or in developing a democratic tradition.
• Many countries in the Muslim world are or have been allies of the United States government. To that end our government turned a blind eye to human rights and offered its unabashed support to some of the harshest dictatorships. In many cases the aspirations of the citizens of these lands for democracy and basic human rights were often crushed by our dictator allies with the tacit support of various US administrations.
• It has been a reputed case in the Muslim world that whenever the democratic process had brought a popular government to power that may not be to the West’s liking, that new government is undermined and destroyed, as was the case with Algeria in the 1990s.
• Just one side note: Turkey is not the only democratically elected government in the Muslim world. We have Bangladesh and Indonesia as well, nations with a combined Muslim population of nearly 500 million! And while the United States has yet to see a woman president, there have been four women heads of state in the Muslim world within the last 20 years: Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan, Tansu Çiler of Turkey, Megawati Sukarnoputri of Indonesia and Khalida Zia of Bangladesh.
• Islam as a faith promotes a vision of popular consultation called shura’. Informal shura’ can take place within the family, neighborhood, workplace, mosque or church. Shura form of democracy is in fact in practice in Muslim population across the world. It is inexpensive, informal, effective and rooted in their culture.
• However as the vast majority of America’s Muslim population is educated, enlightened and engaged they are participating in the nation’s political and social process thereby positively contributing to the democratic process. Muslim participation in American political process is a fact and not a matter of speculation and it will continue.

“Can a devout Muslim be an American patriot and loyal citizen?”
10). Spiritually, no. Because when we declare “one nation under God” the Christian’s God is a Triune God while the Muslim’s is one entity called “Allah”, who is never a Heavenly Father, nor is he ever called “Love” in the 99 excellent names.
Rev. Shorrosh displays great insensitivity not only for Muslim feelings but for Jewish ones as well. Yet is Rev. Shorrosh going to paint American Jews with the same brush of treason because they refuse to worship a “Triune God”? How about Americans who are not Christian or those who are Christians (the Unitarians) but do not ascribe to the doctrine of the Trinity? How about Buddhist, Hindu or atheist Americans? Was our founding father Thomas Jefferson, and avowed Deist, less than a true patriot? America is a land of many faiths and it always has been. The theological variety among America’s citizenry has never been a criterion for good or bad citizenship. The fact that Rev. Shorrosh would even claim such an un-American thing can maybe allow us to call into question his loyalty to this great nation and the values it stands for.
It is clear from my refutation of these ill-informed claims that Muslim Americans have a religious responsibility to toil for goodness and for the uplift of their nation. By being loyal to their homeland Muslim Americans are following the Qur’anic injunction “Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you.” (Qur’an 4:59). Alongside this the Qur’an instructs Muslims to honor any covenant they may have entered into (like the oath of naturalization) and fulfill such agreements (Qur’an 5:1). Immigrant Muslims are especially bound to this contract that secured them entry into the country. They are in general bound by the Qur’anic injunction: “Comply with your covenants.” (Qur’an 48:10) Everyone who lives in any civilized society is bound by that nation’s civil laws.
In spite of the negative evaluation of the Muslim contribution to human civilization and the inconsistent character of the modern-day Islamophobes, we are confident that America’s Muslim citizens are indeed trustworthy, upright and sincere in their loyalty to this expansive and munificent nation. Once these dark clouds of war and suspicion are long past, the West will find in Islam and its practitioners great allies, benefactors, and friends on the road of human progress. We Muslims are here in America to write a new chapter of the history of our nation which, God willing, will open new chapter in East-West and North-South dialogue.


Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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