and Milk
By Lindsay Pollard-Post
Staff Writer
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
Norfolk, VA
evaluating their patients’ osteoporosis
risk based upon the American Academy of Pediatrics’
recent report would be wise to consider another
factor that is gaining attention: cow milk may
cause osteoporosis, not prevent it.
The February 5 Chicago Tribune article “Not
milk?” reports that Walter Willett, chairman
of the department of nutrition at the Harvard
School of Public Health, “… found
that women with the highest calcium consumption
from dairy products actually had substantially
more fractures than women who drank less milk.”
The same article reports that T. Colin Campbell,
professor emeritus of nutritional biochemistry
at Cornell University who spent decades studying
the effects of a plant-based diet in China, observed,
“The higher the consumption of dairy, animal
protein and calcium, the higher the fracture rate
— an indisputable observation in my view.”
Weight-bearing exercise and vitamin D are proven
bone builders. Kids can get plenty of both by
simply playing outside in the sunshine.