Interesting Human Characters
By Rafiq Ebrahim
Glen Ellyn, IL

As you walk along a street in the bazaar of humanity, you will find many interesting characters. They differ not only in shape, size or colour, but also in temperament, attitude and mental make-up. These characters play their own roles in the great drama of life.
No sooner a baby is born, it faces trials and struggles. As it begins to grow, it is constantly up against varying conditions and people, to which it has to adapt for sheer survival. It is these conditions and the circle of people, which mould a child and make him or her what he or she becomes in adult life.
Somewhere in the bazaar, you will encounter a representative of the group called The Con Artist or the confidence trickster. This guy exudes confidence. A few minutes’ conversation with such a guy would make you believe that you could fully trust him and that he (“he” represents both the masculine and the feminine gender in this article) is the friend you have been looking for all your life. This fellow will carefully cultivate your friendship; invest his time and money on you - his prospective client. Then finding – or rather creating – an opportune moment will lay down before you a lucrative proposal which you feel will reap rich rewards for you in the near future. You readily fall for this smooth, genuine-looking friend and his proposal. Having achieved his target, he will take his leave from you in a very friendly manner, without your realizing that you will never see hi m again.
You go further down the street to meet another fellow, belonging to The Fraud group. This guy has many dishonest traits in his character, but he specializes in frauds. He is generally an intelligent guy and would work at any place with due diligence. Then one fine morning you will discover the fraud committed by him. Very often your discovery will be a bit late. The damage is already done and it would be difficult for you to trace him, for being an intelligent person he would by now have made good his escape in search for green pastures elsewhere.
Spread along the street will be many people who belong to The Dishonest group. It is not very difficult to recognize him for what he is, for he often reveals his trait in whatever he says or does. Since the bazaar is full of such people, you may tolerate him. Human nature, as it is, would make you forgive his small deeds. It is only when he commits a big act of dishonesty that you would catch hold of him – if he is still available.
As you walk along you will now meet a character, which is sugarcoated, belonging to the group called The Hypocrite. He is a smooth operator, talks in soft tones and makes you believe that he lives mainly to help others like you. The guy would speak contrary to the real feelings in his heart. The love shown is in reality hatred. Gaining your confidence and achieving the objective, the coat of sugar would start to melt and the person would come out in his original colours.
Then you will meet The Opportunist. Here is a person whose only desire in life is self-gain. He is always on the lookout for situations in which he would find an opportunity to benefit himself, no matter if the gain he seeks could cause heavy loss to some other person. Such a person often flourishes in other people’s crisis. When you are stuck in a difficulty, he would step in and immediately start making plans on how to capitalize on the situation and turn it to his advantage without a care whether your problem would be solved or not.
Around the corner you will then see people belonging to the group, Accomplished Liar. Almost everyone lies at one time or the other to get something, come out of a difficult situation, help someone or simply to amuse others, but the accomplished liar will lie in a very careful manner, having a preplanned objective. He would lie with such conviction that one would feel inclined to believe that he is speaking the truth. He would look straight in your eyes with perfect facial control and speak in a voice with simulated sincerity. Often he gets away, but sometimes, being only human, he contradicts his own previous statements, betraying his real self.
In the course of your travel, you will now meet The Snob. He would always look down upon you. He creates an aura of superiority about him. He may be a material snob if he is affluent and moves in high society. He values his possessions more than other people. He may be an intellectual snob if he is well read and possess valuable books and literature. A snob’s main desire is to show you that he is above you in status.
You move on further in the bazaar to find The Aggressive, who is forceful in behaviour, words or actions. He would talk in high tones, inclined to be rude at times and sees to it that he is heard. He makes it a point to walk with forceful thuds on the ground as if he owns the earth. He is sure to subject you to bone-crushing handshakes. In short, he is loud in every respect.
A few steps away you will find The Meek and The Mild. He is the opposite to his fellow being of the Aggressive group. He would talk so softly that he could hardly be heard. He walks lightly, at times stealthily, and would simply submit his hand to you if a handshake is desired. He will quiver in every muscle. His shaking hands are very discernible. It is all because of a deep-rooted feeling of fear he carries in his heart or because of an inferiority complex.
Having taken a little rest, maybe for a cup of tea or a quick cigarette, you proceed on to find The Know-All. He poses to know everything on every subject under the sun. He is liberal in solemnly giving advice to everyone in all matters. Sometimes such a person is genuine, but generally he is a fake or has a misguided opinion about himself.
On a by-lane you will meet The Adventurer. As the name suggests, such a person will always undertake risky and dangerous ventures in life. He is not afraid of the consequences, and since he has an optimistic outlook, he often succeeds to make a name for himself. He may be a soldier of fortune, seeking wealth, fame or a good position in life.
A little further away, you come in contact with The Defeatist. He has accepted the prospects of defeat in everything he does, right from the start. He believes that he would not succeed. His mind is warped with negative thoughts and pictures and he lives in a world of failures, never achieving anything worthwhile. Had it not been for the fact that God is very kind and cares for all creatures, a defeatist would never survive for long.
On the next street in this bazaar, you meet The Winner. His character is in complete contrast to that of the defeatist. He never settles for anything less than a win. He has rosy pictures and thoughts in his mind, which makes him a winner. Positive attitude is a way of life for him. Faith and confidence are writ on his face. When he undertakes any job, optimism guides him to his goal. Negative aspects never bother him.
On a broken path you will come across The Martyr. People in this group get an inner satisfaction in their sufferings. They are likely to do things for others at the expense of their own comfort, suffering silently. Such people have a martyr spirit, which they cherish. This trait is the extreme of goodness, and becomes a negative attitude, gradually corroding the individual.
Some distance away, you will meet The Catalyst. The scientific meaning of the word catalyst is a substance, which accelerates a chemical reaction without taking part in it. He is the one, who only with a gesture or a word pacifies a quarrel or an argument between two persons without getting actively involved.
Then you will see The Sentimentalist. Highly-strung, truly caring for the finer feelings of others and him, a sentimentalist is a suffering soul in today’s world. He would not go for the material comforts, but would love to read an inspiring book, appreciate a good painting and shower love on others. As is obvious, he is headed for heartbreak sooner or later.
In the opposite camp is The Materialist. He loves all the material comforts in life. His main aim is to satisfy his physical needs by hoarding all the wealth and possessions he possibly can. He cares very little for the finer feelings in life and is convinced that a sentimentalist is a stupid fool.
Downhill on the road is The Parasite. He is totally dependant on others for his existence. He would cling to his helpers like a leech, never able or wishing to stand on his own feet.
Turning a corner you will meet The Bore. He is a passive conversationalist and speaks tediously without any lively gesture or expression on his face. He tends to remain sober and grave, but when he has some problem of his own, he will speak endlessly about it. He has little interest in other people’s plight. A bore sometimes is a lively one. If so, he will repeat the same thing again and again and make you yawn.
You ascend a hillock to be with The Dreamer. He lives in a world of his own. If he is with you only his physical presence will be noticed, for mentally he is far away, thinking and living in his dreams. Sometimes he will imagine himself to be a hero, sometimes a Casanova, and at other times a trouble-shooter helping others in distress. He often dreams of achieving great things in life. It is a fact that all achievements in life are the result of somebody’s dream, but such a dream should be supported by action, which an idle dreamer lacks.
Now you see some light in a corner, an illumination that draws you there like a magnet. You see a very small group of The Beautiful. A person belonging to this group may or may not be physically beautiful, but always has an inner beauty and grace. He is an oasis in the desert of life. No matter how grief-laden his heart is, he will demonstrate that he is happy. He will laugh and make others laugh. He will spread light and sweetness wherever he goes. Such a person has really understood that life is short and should be lived fully every moment. He is born to ease tensions of others. He would readily go a long way to help you if you need any help. In matters of national or international crises, he would be among the foremost to contribute his bit. In the bazaar of humanity he reigns supreme. If you are introduced to such a person, don’t ever let him slip away from you. Friendship or even acquaintance with such a guy would be your good fortune.
Readers, if there is any other class of human beings that you know of and that has not come to my mind, please let me know:



Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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