Friday, March 28, 2025


Well Done, Mr. President
By Asif Waheed
Chicago, IL

I take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Asif Waheed, born in Karachi, Pakistan and living in Chicago since the last 12years. I work for a CPA firm.
On my recent visit to Pakistan after a period of 11 years, I was pleasantly surprised to see the progress and development of the city where I was born and brought up. It made me realize that finally Pakistan has been blessed by the Almighty with a leader who envisions the best for Pakistan. I also visited the other cities like Lahore and Islamabad and found them to be more developed than Karachi. I was really impressed by the construction and maintenance of these cities.
In my opinion, a lot still needs to be done for getting Pakistan’s infrastructure properly organized. Though all-round economic progress is evident, it deeply saddened me to see that there was no power for six hours at a stretch in an industrial city like Karachi for several consecutive days. Indisputably the management of basic utilities such as water and power is poor. I realize that the economy of Pakistan suffered immensely in the past owing to the callous attitude of the country’s leaders. It takes great ability to undo the effects of regressive policies of the past and I am sure that the present government is doing its utmost. Certainly this effort requires the undivided attention of President Musharraf.
What I observed most was that in spite of the overall progressive thrust, there is a disturbing trend in the field of education and brilliant students are deprived the chance of studying in schools of standard due to lack of financial resources. The future of the country is likely to be impacted owing to this trend. Needless to say that good business management schools conforming to international standards would give the people of Pakistan an opportunity to excel at the global level.
I humbly request the President to emphasize the importance of education to the masses. Wholesome results could accrue if there are more English medium schools in the country that the masses can easily afford. Exposure to advance mathematics, geography and brainstorming session would certainly help develop a higher level of knowledge and confidence-building in the future generations.
The President’s memoir “In the Line of Fire” has added to my conviction that Pakistan’s future is in great hands. The book familiarized me with the human side of a President who has taken up the challenging task of re-building the nation.. I truly admire the way General Musharraf is handling the global terrorism issue with sincerity and toughness.
I have complete faith in the leadership of President Musharraf and I pray to the Almighty to give him strength to overcome the hurdles and take Pakistan to its well deserved position in the comity of nations.


Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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