Saturday, March 29, 2025


Of Pirs and Sufis
By Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Rawalpindi, Pakistan

An interesting discussion is going on the net about the government’s plans of promoting Sufism to combat the menace of sectarianism. Quite a few are in favour of it. However, one gentleman wrote, “On a serious note such government interference in religion can be dangerous and in the end, we may end up with some state-recognized Pir whose Mureed is a PM or COAS.
I entirely agree with him that it can happen as it nearly did happen around 1958 when Pir Sahib Davel Shareef attained such prominence. Somehow, he gained the favour of Ayub Khan (probably through his wife who was greatly influenced by the Pir Sahib) and most who mattered in the government made a bee line to the Pir Sahib for paying their homage.
Pir Sahib seemed to know well the art of exploiting such sycophants. He would, while coming to Pindi from Murree, ask his driver to stop the car at some scenic spot, alight from it, take a few steps with his both hands raised to his head in salutation and return calmly to the car. When asked as to what had happened, he would with closed eyes and a great aura of deference say that he had had the ziarat of the swari of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) who was passing by. Who could dare to doubt the eminence of such a Pir? So much so that during a dinner in our officers' mess where the-then Army Chief Musa Khan was present, a Lieutenant Colonel asked him to invoke the spiritual powers of such Pirs to get the better of our adversaries during a war.
Of all the persons Musa Khan - known to be a docile and quite religious person - rebuked sharply the Lt Col telling him that the day you depended upon such invocations will mark the end of the Army and Pakistan .

Well, you never know. Aren't the stories of green angels and white bearded 'makhlooq' fighting on our side in 1965 war still going rounds? I wonder why did they not show up in 1971. But who knows one day we might also find our Rasputin?!



Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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