Stem Cell Research and the Qur’anic View
By Bashir Ahmad, MD
Wildwood, MO

Stem cell research has become a controversial issue. Pope John Paul 11 in his 1995 encyclical, the gospel of life, wrote, “Human embryo obtained in vitro are human beings and are subjects with rights, their dignity, right to life must be respected, from the first moment of their existence. It is immoral to produce human embryo destined to be exploited as disposable biological material.”
Evidently, Pope John Paul 11 has completely ruled out any stem cell research even if it presents the prospect of cure for serious diseases. On the other hand, Dr Harold Varmus, Director, National Institute of Health, in his statement before the Congressional Committee, advocated research by using stem cells. He explained to the committee the background of stem cell research stating that stem cells are derived from ovum fertilized with sperm or by somatic nuclear transfer and then grown in culture. These cells have the capacity to divide indefinitely and form cells of three major tissue types – Endoderm, which form the lining of the gut, Mesoderm, which gives rise to bone and blood, and Ectoderm, which gives rise to epidermal tissue and the nervous tissue.
After a few days of development, the early embryo forms a hollow ball called a blastocyst. The clustered cells within the ball are called the inner cell mass. The cells of the inner mass are called pluripotent stem cells. Pluripotent cells, unlike totipotent cells will not produce human beings because they do not have the potential to form a human being lacking the capacity to give rise to the cells of a placenta or other extra embryonic tissues necessary for implantation of the embryo, nor can they support fetal development in the uterus.
During fetal development, pluripotent cells lack the capacity to develop into human fetus but have the capacity to develop into tissue of other human organs.
Embryo up to 16 cells stage are called totipotent cells. Each cell of this early embryo has the potential to develop into a human being. (
Thomas A. Shannon, Professor of Religion and Social Ethics in the Department of Humanities and Arts at Worchester Polytechnic Institute, writing under the title “Stem cell research – How Catholic guides us”, has made contradictory statements about the stem cells in his article. On pager 2 he writes “In the very early embryo these cells are totipotent – that is, they have the potency to become any kind of body cell. In adult stem cells, the cells are pluripotent – they have the capacity to become a variety of cells, but not all.”
This is exactly what Dr Varmus said in his statement to the congressional committee as mentioned earlier that the earliest embryo, up to 16 cell stage, are totipotent stem cells, totally potent.
But on page 4 Professor Shannon attempts to confuse the reader by using the term blastocyst, which is conglomeration of cells which have passed the stage of totipotent to the stage of pluripotent stem cells which lack the capacity to produce a fetus. He writes, “---In fact all the cells of the blastocyst can be separated and each has the capacity to become a whole human being.”
If the cells of the blastocyst or the pluripotent cells are lacking in their capacity to develop into whole human beings, as he has written on page 2, then there should not be any ethical objection to turn them into tissues of various human organs for the treatment of various diseases. (
Dr Robert Weinberg, Professor of Biology at MIT has put forward a contested theory according to which he envisages a program, called epithelial mesenchymal transition or EMT, which although the embryonic cells move to the different parts of the body where they set up camps and build different types of tissues. According to Dr Weinberg, these programs are turned off after embryonic development but they are sometimes briefly turned on in wound healing to build new tissue.
Cancer cells opportunistically turn on these programs and thereby acquire the traits that permit them to disseminate throughout the body. To date, cancer stem cells have been isolated from a small number of tumor types. More research is needed to elucidate whether stem cells initiate metastases and where and how they acquire their renewal capacities.
A number of laboratories have identified more than a dozen metastatic suppressor genes, which prevent micro metastases from colonizing but do not affect primary tumors.
In metastatic cells, these genes – including NM23,KISSI,MKK4 and RhoGD12 - are either defective or inactive. (Laurie Tarkan. Scientists begin to grasp the stealthy spread of cancer. New York Times, August 15, 2006. www.lexisnexis.comm/universe/print.doc)
Biologist, Dr David T. Skadden of Harvard Medical School and Dr Norman E.Sharpless of the University of North Carolina, have uncovered a gene which is a link between life span and cancer that switches off stem cells as a person ages. With age this gene reduces the ability of stem cells to proliferate. This gene is named D161NK4a; it plays a central role in the body’s defenses against cancer, and it produces two different proteins that interact with two principal systems for deciding whether a cell will be allowed to divide or not.
One of the proteins has also been noted to increase substantially with age. The cells of a 70-year-old produce 10 times as much INK4 protein as those of a 20-year-old.
But increasing the amount of INK4 as a person ages will thrust the stem cells into senescence that they can divide again. The evolutionary purpose evidently averts the risk that a damaged stem cell might evade control and proliferate into cancer.
It is hoped that a drug would be manufactured that could promote stem cell proliferation without greatly increasing the risk of cancer. If that could be done, then the degenerative diseases of aging, which are caused by actively shutting down of stem cells that renew the body’s various tissues and are not just a passive disintegration under daily wear and tear, can be invigorated. (Nicolas Wade. Gene is called a deep link between life span and cancer. New York Times September 7, 2006).
Pluripotent cells are the generation of cells and tissues that could be used for transplantation. Many diseases and disorders result from disruption of cellular function or destruction of the tissue of the body. Today donated organs and tissues are often used to replace the function of ailing or destroyed tissues. Unfortunately, the number of people suffering from these disorders far outstrips the number of organs available for transplantation. Pluripotent stem cells stimulated to develop into specialized cells offer the opportunity to treat a myriad of diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, spinal cord injury, stroke, burns, heart disease, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
(Dr Varmus.
One may humbly argue that the fertilized ova under discussion are not going to be transplanted into the uterus, they are marked for destruction. The belief that life starts at the fertilization of the ovum is debatable. The progress of a fertilized ovum from the state of totipotent to pluripotent stem cells induces a loss of power to turn it into a fetal stage. However, pluripotent stem cells can be converted into different types of tissue to treat diseases and to bring health and happiness to millions of patients.

This is not the only time that a Pope has created a barrier in the progress of science by condemning stem cell research. In the past Pope UrbanV111 punished Galileo. (Galileo 1564-1643).
In 1979, Pope John Paul 11 declared that the Roman Catholic Church had been mistaken in condemning Galileo. He instructed a church commission to study Galileo’s case. In 1983 the commission concluded that Galileo should not have been condemned. In 1984, on the commission’s recommendation, the church published all documents related to Galileo’s trial. In 1992, Pope John Paul 11 publicly endorsed the commission’s findings that the church had made a mistake in condemning Galileo. (The World Book Encyclopedia 2003. Page 12.)
Is the Pope and the Catholic Church repeating it’s fallibility in the case of stem cell research and its potential for curing serious diseases?


In the Bible God has been depicted as a sculptor, who fashioned human beings out of clay and breathed into its nose to give it life.
“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.” Genesis 2/7

The Qur’an gives a very detailed description of human creation. It mentions copulation, emission of semen, fertilization and implantation of the ovum into the uterus leading to the development of the fetus and a new born baby.
“-------When he consorts with her, she bears a light burden and goes about with it. When she grows heavy, they both pray to Allah, their Lord: If thou bestow on us a healthy child, we will surely be grateful. ----“ Qur’an AL-A’RAF 7/189
In the Sura 23/23 Nufta has been interpreted as the sperm or spermatozoon.
“We placed him as a droop of sperm in a safe depository” Qur’an 23/13

“O people, if you are in doubt concerning being raised up again, then consider that we created you from dust, then from the sperm drop, then from clotted blood, then from a lump of flesh, formed and unformed. We cause which We will to stay in the wombs for an appointed term, then we bring you forth as babies,-------“ Qur’an 22/5
The Qur’an is strongly against cloning and refers to it as a satanic deed, Satan is referred as saying: “And I will lead them astray, and will excite in them vain desires, and will incite them to cut off the ears of cattle and to alter Allah’s creation----“ Qur’an 4/11
This Qur’anic verse makes a most astounding, dramatic and revolutionary statement, that changes will be made in the future in the Creation of Allah, through genetic engineering. Genetic engineering is hardly a few decades old yet the Holy Qur’an had prophesied about it 1500 years ago. The Qur’an is not against the therapeutic use of stem cell research’s positive outcome.
The Qur’anic description of fertilization of ovum with semen, its embedment in the uterus leading to fetal development, has been affirmed and authenticated by Professor Keith Moore, one of the world’s foremost embryologists whose text book on embryology is running into its seventh edition. In his paper “Highlights of Human Embryology in the Qur’an and Hadith”, he has quoted numerous Qur’anic verses as well Ahadees and emphatically stated that they are absolutely correct. Amazingly he also stated that some of the facts described in the Qur’an have only recently been discovered by the embryologists. Ref. Moore. Highlights of Human Embryology in the Qur’an and Hadith.


Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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