By Dr. Salee' Amina
Beverly Hills, CA
Although I have been known mainly
for my work as an international business and investment
adviser and as Ambassador of Goodwill for Islamic
Culture, I have always maintained my side-businesses
in the designing of fashions, jewelry, arts and
decor. So, when I saw your Eid-al-Adha (January
5th) issue and the article "Pakistani Fashion
forecast of 2007" stating, "What's Hot?!
Short Kameezes," accompanied by poses of
women who if not clothed (scantily as it may have
been) could easily have been what one might expect
to see in some centerfold from a Playboy magazine.
The layout should have been called "Hindu
Indian Fashions, pretending to be Islamic."
Can you try a bit more to consider what "Islamic
fashion" is actually about? I believe this
is important since Pakistan is not only a country
based on Islamic values, but is a country for
which people literally shed their blood and their
lives to be able to practice Islam in peace and
security. I did NOT see any "purity"
in your beguiling, sleeveless, short, tight-fitted