Of Intellect and a Hijacked Eid
By Siddique Malik
Louisville, KY

By the time, this article triggered by the recent hijacking of Eid-al-Fitr in Louisville, Kentucky, is published, it would almost be time to celebrate Eid-al-Adha. Nonetheless, the issue raised in it deserves readers’ attention.
On the afternoon of Thursday, October 11, something happened in the Muslim community of Louisville. This event might seem negligible, but it gives a significant insight into the intellectual lethargy which today afflicts many Muslims worldwide.
This day marked the 29th day of Ramadan. According to the rule followed for centuries, if the new moon in not sighted at sunset on the 29th of Ramadan, Muslims are expected to fast for one more day before celebrating Eid-al-Fitr, making the fasting month of Ramadan 30 days long.
Based on scientific calculations associated with lunar movements, all major Muslim organizations in North America had declared Saturday, October 13 to be the Eid day. Yet, a gang of local Muslim clerics declared Friday, October 12 to be the Eid day. And they made this declaration on the afternoon of October 11, when the sun was still up and there was no way the tiny new moon could have been sighted. They did this to show "solidarity" with distant Saudi Arabia which celebrated the Eid on October 12, ignoring fellow Muslims in adjoining areas like Ohio, Indiana, Tennessee, etc. and even in Elizabethtown, Frankfort, Lexington and other Kentucky towns, who were rightly set to celebrate the Eid on October 13 and did so.
But this act of mental enslavement to backward Saudi Arabia was really not what bothered me; you cannot expect enlightenment from the backward. What bothered me was the fact that many Muslims in Louisville decided to accept this wrong decision simply because it was made by a group of self-declared "keepers of the faith". This blind submission shows the ease with which many Muslims can be manipulated by a few megalomaniac clerics. Looking at the greater picture, this surrender mentality highlights the reason that the Muslim world seems incapable of eradicating extremism and upholding logic.
The tragedy is that most of those who chose to accept an abrupt announcement from the local sympathizers of Saudi Arabia were well-educated professionals: doctors, engineers, scientists, educators, businessmen, accountants, etc. All they had to do was consult the scientific calendar which clearly said that the new moon was to appear in North America on the evening of October 12, making the following day, the day of Eid. There was no need for confusion or being misled.
Almost every immigrant Muslim in America is obsessed with just one thing: How to raise their kids to be “good” Muslims. But their women spend most of their time in the shopping centers looking for the latest fashion or at the hairstylist shops trying to take advantage of the hair-dyeing technology that can easily drop 20 years from one’s visible age. Their men are busy watching cricket games or Bollywood movies. They have outsourced the important job of teaching their kids religion to the local clerics. No body knows what kind of ignorance is being implanted on young minds.
When these kids are old enough to ask logical questions and expect such answers and ask you why on an absurd announcement from a mullah, people jettisoned their Eid planning, you would no longer be to able to satisfy your kids’ curiosity. They might very well conclude that to be a good Muslim, one has to be illogical. This would hardly make them “good” Muslims. They would become sitting ducks for the exploitative and manipulative clerics of which unfortunately there is never a shortage.
There is a clear alternative and it is based upon logic, knowledge and fearless analysis. This the only way mullah-ism would become irrelevant and inconsequential. Most of the problems faced by Muslims are self-made problems based upon the lack of ability to think outside the box, all four corners of which are possessed by the mullah who feel emboldened by intellectually coward Muslims. I am tempted to present the translation of a couplet by the famous Urdu philosopher-poet, Doctor Sir Muhammad Iqbal:
Even when there are thousands of reasons to be fearful, the tongue should be a friend of the heart (meaning you should fearlessly say what is in your heart).
This has been the way of saints from the start of time.

The good news is that not all Louisville Muslims were fooled by the above-mentioned mischievous act. Some of them celebrated the Eid-al-Fitr on October 13. Logic is thus not a complete alien to all Muslims. But logical Muslims must speak loudly and clearly against the illogicality and ignorance perpetrated in the name of Islam. This has connotations beyond Eid; world peace and the future of your kids might very well depend on this fortitude.
I present the translation of another couplet by Iqbal:
I (Iqbal) have not lost hope in my desolate land.
Only if this land could attain a little dampness, it would become overly fertile.

If this intellectual dampness is not provided by today’s Muslims, I can sadly assure you that the future of Muslims would be much worse than their present. Regardless of how many years of age could you shed from your visible age or who wins the next cricket game or the voluptuousness of certain Bollywood actresses, you must fulfill your duty to the future.



Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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