Children Health Legislation
By Veronica Benson-Moore
Ventura, CA
I am writing in response to the coverage of the votes on children's health legislation. I am dismayed that so many in Congress voted against legislation to provide 3.9 million American uninsured children with the coverage they need for a healthy start in life. 10 million children — over 6 million children in the program as well as millions more who are uninsured -- are at risk. Families here locally are watching these actions in Washington, and we should remember which politicians stood with our children to move forward with health coverage. In the midst of all the misinformation it's easy to overlook that the State Children's Health Insurance Program has been a real bipartisan success story -- it has helped cut the number of uninsured children by 1/3 over the past 10 years. As leaders in Congress contemplate their next move, I hope they will make the well-being of children their top priority and not sacrifice our children's well-being in negotiations with politicians that clearly have the wrong priorities.