A Pragmatic Paragon of Machiavellian Politics or the Vestige from Which a Great Islamic Power will Emerge?
By Imran Hussain Khan Sudahazai

This topic may prove to be rather sensitive and contentious for those who can only equate Pakistan with tragedy, strife, upheaval and anarchy.
This argument refutes the populist notions that Pakistan must fulfill the current requisition to align and become subservient to the demands of an indiscernible secular world order or it will further descend into an interminable anarchic chaos.
Although every facet of the Pakistani nation has become the subject of intense study, scrutiny and debate all across the world, the single most pertinent point that nearly all the study groups, commentators and so-called ‘Pakistan experts’ chose not to mention is the premise under which Pakistan was created.
On March 23rd, 1940, Mohammad Ali Jinnah the leader of the Muslim League formally endorsed the ‘Lahore Resolution’ calling for the creation of an independent Muslim majority state. The term ‘Muslim’ is inherently the countenance of the term ‘Islam’. Thus, one can deduce quite categorically, that this new state called ‘Pakistan’, a Muslim-majority state, was by default an Islamic State.
However, one cannot doubt the fact that after the unforeseen death of  the Qaid-i- Azam at the inception of a nascent Pakistani nation, the ideals of Islam were surrogated for the medieval Florentine philosophies of Niccolo Machiavelli.  
In his epic commentary on 15th century Florence, Machiavelli essentially observes a medieval world in turmoil and chaos. In the pandemonium that preceded the age of reason and renaissance power becomes God incarnate for these medieval Europeans.
Power is usurped for the sake of power. The seekers of absolute power are devoid of any grandiose visions and thus seek to control and maintain their heirloom as a status of their perceived ‘God-hood’.  
With Pakistan as a specific case in point one observes this pattern of history repeating itself. Leaders at every tier of society believe that ‘a ruler will perish if he is always good; he must be cunning as a fox and as fierce as a lion’. Rulers disguise their characters to feign virtue and impress religious and iconic grandeur upon their subjects.
The ‘qibla’ becomes the alter of Power and the ignominious murders and assassinations of the nation’s leaders beginning with Liaquat Ali Khan to the late Benazir Bhutto epitomize the allure of power as the poisoned chalice of Pakistani Society.
Thus, how does a nation so steeped in a quagmire of self-deceit and ambiguous intent find salvation?
The solution to this quandary will not be found in the sanctuaries of Washington, London, Geneva or Mecca.
The path to liberation from the excesses of the ego has already been delivered and is ever present. Pakistan was conceived under the aegis of Islam. However, when one mentions the word ‘Islam’ and Pakistan most Pakistanis tend to shy away. The blend of religion and politics is proving to be the antithesis of modern day thinking, especially amongst the wealthy elite!
Therefore, a new approach is required to elucidate the connection and pertinence of Islam to this mercantile sector of Pakistani society. Pakistan is the only nation on earth that was specifically created for the purpose of serving Muslims and thus Islam.
Thus, Islam formulates and permeates the very fabric, essence and ethos that is Pakistan. Islam and Pakistan are an inseparable item by definition and history! Islam is the mother and Pakistan the child.
The unfortunate hangovers of the colonial era bore an ignorant class of theologian that usurped and corrupted both the image and the message of Islam. The Noble Qur’an was hijacked and its guidance obscured under the tutelage of a clergy that lacked perception and successive governments that were essentially devoid of understanding. The great Pakistani intellectuals and the voices of reason were slammed behind the doors of illiteracy and darkness. However, as a mother searches out the cries of her child, Islam has remerged out of the darkness, to shine its light on a nation saturated in despondency.
With the advent of technology and the growth of a new digital medium, great minds have been unearthed, the voices of reason have found a platform and a vision has begun to emerge. Hope has been re-ignited as a flame of desire, and it burns brightly for its calling is much overdue.
The day of the feudal warlord, the internecine Generals and the Mullah is over.
In the Pakistan of the 21st century economics will intertwine with divine philosophy, education will become a priority and the stockpiling of weapons will be marginalized.
To a Western mind this may seem like a utopian dream. However, one versed in The Noble Qur’an will tell you it is an ideal model that has been implemented before and will materialize once more. Allah has blessed Pakistan. He has created, nurtured, protected and raised this nation to stand on its feet.

Now is the time for this nation to claim its rightful place and establish its presence as a benevolent contributor to peace, harmony and prosperity both to the region and the world.



Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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