Change Has Come to America
By John Garamendi
California Lieutenant Governor
The voters have spoken and made history. By electing Barack Obama in overwhelming numbers, they have chosen change, opportunity and hope. Everyone from college students to seniors can now see a future for serious healthcare reform, upgrades in our education system and the creation of jobs in a new clean energy economy to help repair the economy for our working families.
Yesterday as thousands of young, first-time voters, inspired by Barack Obama, waited in long lines to exercise their right to vote, I realized we as a society have come full circle. In them I saw myself at their age.
I made a choice in the 1960's that changed the course of my life. Instead of playing professional football after graduating from UC Berkeley I made the wise choice to marry Patricia Wilkinson and join the Peace Corps in Ethiopia. Our inspiration was President John F. Kennedy who challenged us to "Ask not what our country could do for us, but rather what we could do for our country." It was a call to service. He set in motion my life of public service that continues to evolve. Barack Obama is doing the same for thousands of young voters today. He is challenging young and old to serve and join in changing our country. It's wonderful how millions of Americans are answering his call, and it confirms the decision Patti and I made years ago.
Last night brought an end to a campaign and the beginning of major reform. But the hard work necessary to repair and reunite our country is far from over. Similar to the challenges that confronted Franklin Roosevelt in 1933, Barack Obama and the Democratic majorities in the Congress will face the daunting task of repairing a country facing deep economic and environmental challenges and restoring our nation's standing worldwide. I look forward to working with all of the newly elected leaders in California and across the nation to do the hard work necessary to make the dreams of our nation a reality.
We look to the future with hope and the belief that indeed, change has come to America!