Reflections on the Pakistan Day
By Dilawar Asghar
Calabasas , CA


When will the Pakistani rulers wake up and smell the "taaza chai"...Every body wants to be the king and enjoy the absolute monarchy. Names would not matter, almost everybody, who has been on top, past or present, military or non-military, refuses to share. There will be speeches over speeches about the Pakistan Resolution and how the dream of Iqbal and Mohammed Ali Jinnah has been realized in the shape of the "land of the pure."
If the Quaid or Allama Sahib were present to see the present state of affairs, they would be utterly disappointed. 60+ years and there is still confusion and chaos about what the will of the people really means. Just a little reminder to the rulers: neither the Quaid nor his companions wanted a state of buffoons and cronies, nor did they bow to the feudals and certainly never dreamt of "Khakhis" or "Mullahs" to be in charge. Above any thing, rather than giving hollow and phony speeches, all of us , including the rulers of this state should reflect on what was the reason and why the founding fathers demanded a separate state. Taking stock of its essence can bring us out of the present darkness.
From recent events it has become apparent that the electorate is fully awake and it’s time for the rulers to do the same. This day would be the best day to turn a new leaf and go back to the basics.....



Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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