Keep It up
By Dr. Aamir A. Salaria
St. Peters, Missouri
By announcing the closure of Guantanamo prison in Cuba in the next 365 days, the Obama administration has not only fulfilled one of its election promises but has also done the right thing.
Camp Delta or Guantanamo prison as it was notoriously known throughout the globe, is still a symbol of the failed Bush doctrine of might is right, pre-emptive strike and unilateralism. It has been instrumental in sending wrong signals since day one to the rest of the world about America and its true values. Its existence only confirmed the persisting US policies under George W. Bush of torture, coercion, wire-taping, illegal arrests, secret detention centers and unnecessary harassment of minorities not only on the US soil but all over the world.
On behalf of all Americans in general and Muslim Americans in particular, I congratulate President Obama for his prompt action on the crucial issue of the Guantanamo prison. Being one of the millions of Americans who voted for him in the Nov. 2008 elections, my message to him at this crucial juncture in time and history is to "Keep it up and hang on tough."